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linguistica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1700-1799

  • 1705, Daniel Defoe ,  The Consolidator: or Memoirs of sundry transactions from the World in the Moon, translated from the Lunarian Lamguage, by the author of the true-born English Man
  • 1712, Jonathan Swift ,  A Proposal for Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue
  • 1721, Nathaniel Bailey ,  Dizionario Etimologico Universale
  • 1751, Denis Diderot ,  Le teorie linguistiche e l'estetica di Diderot
  • 1752, Samuel Johnson ,  A Dictionary of the English Language
  • 1753, Guillaume Hyacinthe Bougeant ,  Amusement philosophique sur le langage des bêtes
  • 1762, Joseph Priestley ,  A Course of Lectures on the Theory of Language and Universal Grammar
  • 1771, Egidio Forcellini ,  Totius latinitatis lexicon
  • 1776, Abbé de l' Epée ,  Institution des sourds et mouets, par la voie methodique: ouvrage qui contiens le projet d'une langue universelle
  • 1781, Jean-Jacques Rousseau ,  Saggio sull'origine delle lingue. Dove si parla della melodia e dell'imitazione musicale
  • 1785, Melchiorre Cesarotti ,  Saggio sopra la lingua italiana