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storia: Asia: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1900-1989

  • 1910, Edmund Backhouse ,  China under the Empress Dowager
  • 1914, Edmund Backhouse ,  Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Peking
  • 1920, H. Doré ,  Laotse e il Taoismo – Ricerche sulle superstizioni in Cina
  • 1925, Alfred Forke ,  The World Conception of the Chinese
  • 1928, Charles Bell ,  The People of Tibet
  • 1929, Marcel Granet ,  Feste e canzoni dell'antica Cina
  • 1932, Adam Mez ,  Die Renaissance des Islams
  • 1933, Henri Michaux ,  Un barbaro in Asia
  • 1934, Marcel Granet ,  Il pensiero cinese
  • 1936, J. Capart ,  Histoire de l'Orient ancien
  • 1938, Derk Bodde ,  China's First Unifier
  • 1939, René Grousset ,  L'Empire des steppes
  • 1939, Yutang Lin ,  My Country and My People
  • 1942, Ralph Bircher ,  Gli hunza: il popolo della salute
  • 1942, A. Sanders ,  Kaukasien. Nordkaukasien, Aserbeidschan, Armenien, Geogien
  • 1949, Matthias Hermanns ,  Die Nomaden von Tibet
  • 1949, Isaac Mendelsohn ,  Slavery in the Ancient Near East: A Comparative Study of Slavery in Babylonia, Assyria, Syria and Palestine from the Middle of the Third Millennium to the End of the First Millennium
  • 1951, Henri Frankfort ,  The Birth of Civilization in the Near East
  • 1951, R. Ghirsham ,  L'Iran des origines de l'Islam
  • 1952, Isidore F. Stone ,  The Hidden History of the Korean War
  • 1954, Herold J. Wiens ,  China's March toward the Tropics
  • 1955, Edward W. Said ,  Questione palestinese. La tragedia di essere vittima delle vittime
  • 1956, S. Lloyd ,  Early Anatolia
  • 1957, H.H. Dubs ,  A Roman City in Ancient China
  • 1957, A. C. Moule ,  Quinsai
  • 1957, Karl A. Wittfogel ,  Il dispotismo orientale
  • 1958, R.L. Jr. Bowen ,  Archeological Discoveries in South Arabia
  • 1958, Edwin O. Reischauer ,  Storia dell'Asia orientale
  • 1959, Pedro Carrasco ,  Land and Polity in Tibet
  • 1959, L. Carrington Goodrich ,  A Short History of the Chinese People
  • 1959, Heinrich Harrer ,  Sette anni in Tibet
  • 1959, Ruth T. McVey ,  The Soviet View of the Indonesian Revolution: A Study in the Russian Attitude towards Asian Nationalism
  • 1960, E. R. Hughes ,  Two Chinese Poets: Vignettes of Han Life and Thought
  • 1961, Th. H. Gaster ,  Thespis, Ritual, Myth and Drama in the Ancient Near East
  • 1962, Jacques Gernet ,  La Cina alla vigilia dell'invasione mongola
  • 1962, James J. Y. Liu ,  The Art of Chinese Poetry
  • 1962, H. E. Richardson ,  A Short History of Tibet
  • 1962, Eugenio Turri Viaggio a Samarcanda
  • 1963, S. Moscati ,  Antichi imperi d'Oriente
  • 1963, E. H. Schafer ,  Golden Peaches of Samarkand
  • 1963, Burton Watson ,  Hsun Tzu: Basic Writings
  • 1963, Nelson I. Wu ,  Chinese and Indian Architecture
  • 1964, Etienne Balazs ,  Chinese Civilization and Bureaucracy
  • 1964, Kenneth K. S. Ch'en ,  Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey
  • 1964, D. Harden ,  I fenici
  • 1966, James Legge ,  Confucian Analects
  • 1967, Nikita Elisseef ,  Nur al-Din, un grand prince musulman de Syrie au temps des croisades [3 voll.]
  • 1968, Claude Cahen ,  Pre-Ottoman Turkey
  • 1968, Kenneth K. S. Ch'en ,  Buddhism: The Light of Asia
  • 1968, Bertold SPULER ,  Die Mongolen in Iran
  • 1970, M. Bussagli ,  Culture e civiltà dell'Asia Centrale
  • 1971, Benedict Anderson ,  A Preliminary Analysis of the October 1, 1965, Coup in Indonesia
  • 1971, Howard Palfrey Jones ,  Indonesia: The Possible Dream
  • 1971, Joseph R. Levenson ,  China: An Interpretive History
  • 1972, Herbert Fingarette ,  Confucius: The Secular and the Sacred
  • 1972, R. A. Stein ,  La civiltà tibetana
  • 1974, Rex Mortimer ,  Indonesian Communism under Sukarno: Ideology and Politics 1959-1965
  • 1974, John Pudney ,  Brunei and his World
  • 1974, Norodom Sihanouk ,  My War With the Cia: The Memoirs of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, as related to Wilfred Burchett
  • 1976, AA. VV. AA.VV. ,  L'alba della civiltà. Società, economia e pensiero nel Vicino Oriente Antico [3 voll.]
  • 1976, Eliahu Ashtor ,  Storia economica e sociale del vicino Oriente
  • 1977, Anant Sadashiv Altekar ,  State and Government in Ancient India
  • 1977, James Boon ,  The anthropological romance of Bali, 1597-1972: dynamic perspectives in marriage and caste, politics, and religion
  • 1977, Nikita Elisseef ,  L'Orient musulman au Moyen Age. 622-1260
  • 1978, Friedrich W. Funke ,  Die Sherpa und ihre Nachbarvölker im Himalaya
  • 1978, Edward W. Said Orientalismo
  • 1978, Hermann Schaefer ,  Hunza. Ein Volk ohne Krankheit
  • 1979, Roland Michaud ,  Carovane di Tartaria
  • 1981, Ray Huang ,  1587, a Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline
  • 1981, Peter-Hannes Lehmann ,  Tibet. Das stille Drama auf dem Dach der Erde
  • 1981, Roland Michaud ,  Erinnerungen an Afghanistan
  • 1981, Peter Thorau ,  Sultan Baibars I von AEgypten
  • 1982, Eliahu Ashtor ,  Storia economica e sociale del Vicino Oriente nel Medioevo
  • 1983, Anthony Reid ,  Slavery, Bondage and Dependence in Southeast Asia
  • 1984, M.A. al-Jabri ,  The Formation of the Arab Reason
  • 1984, Muhammed Dandamaev ,  Slavery in Babylonia, from Nabopolasser to Alexander the Great (626-331 BC)
  • 1985, Kirti N. Chaudhuri ,  Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750
  • 1985, Amin Maalouf ,  Le crociate viste dagli Arabi
  • 1985, Benjamin I. Schwartz ,  The World of Thought in Ancient China
  • 1985, Morris Silver ,  Economic Structures of the Ancient Near East
  • 1985, Howard J. Wechsler ,  Offerings of Jade and Silk: Ritual and Symbol in the Legitimation of the T'ang Dynasty
  • 1986, Robert Irwin ,  The Middle East in the Middle Ages; the Early Mamluk Sultanate. 1250-1382
  • 1986, David Morgan ,  The Mongols
  • 1987, David Gilmore ,  Aggression and Community: Paradoxes of Andalusians Culture
  • 1987, Lewis M. Simons ,  The Philippine Revolution. Worth Dying for
  • 1989, Peter Bishop ,  The Myth of Shangri-la
  • 1989, J. Breman ,  Taming the Coolie Beast. Plantation Society and the Colonial Order in Southeast Asia
  • 1989, Jean Dallais ,  Philippines: les enfants du mépris
  • 1989, Thomas Heberer ,  China and its National Minorities: Autonomy or Assimilation?
  • 1989, Ray Huang ,  China: A Macro-History