James Hamilton-Paterson: opere
- 1941 Nasce il 6 novembre.
- 1969 Flight Underground [bambini]
- 1970 The House in the Waves [bambini]
- 1971 A very personal war: the story of Cornelius Hawkridge
- 1974 Option Three [poesia]
- 1978 Hostage [bambini]
- 1978 Mummies: Life and Death in ancient Egypt
- 1984 Dutch Alps [poesia]
- 1987 Playing with Water
- 1987 Playing with water, [rif.]
- 1987 The View from Mount Dog
- 1989 Gerontius
- 1990 The Bell Boy
- 1990 Three Miles Down, an account of an underwater search using the Mir submersibles.
- 1992 Seven-tenths, Hutchinson, London, 1992, [rif.]
- 1993 Griefwork
- 1994 Ghosts of Manila
- 1995 The Music
- 1998 America's Boy
- 2002 Loving Monsters
- 2004 Cooking with Fernet Branca
- 2006 Amazing Disgrace
- 2008 Rancid Pansies
- 2010 Empire of the Clouds: When Britain's Aircraft Ruled the World
- 2010 Vom Meer