P. Nijkamp: opere
- 1985 Measuring the Unmeasurable. Analysis of Qualitative Spatial Data, Nijhoff, The Hague, [rif.]
- a cura di: idem, H. Leitner, N. Wrigley
- 1991 The Use of Multicriteria Analysis in Physical Planning, Elsevier, Amsterdam, [rif.]
- con: P. Rietveld, H. Voogd
- 1992 Interaction, Evolution and Chaos in Space, Springer, Berlin, [rif.]
- 1993 Nonlinear Evolution of Spatial Economic Systems, Springer, Berlin, [rif.]
- a cura di: idem, A. Reggiani
- 1998 The Economics of Complex Spatial Systems, Eisevier, Amsterdam, [rif.]