
Fay Weldon:  opere

  • 1931  Nasce il 22 settembre ad Alvechurch. Nata Franklin Birkinshaw Weldon.
  • 1967  The Fat Woman's Joke
  • 1971  Down Among the Women
    • Gił tra le donne, La tartaruga, 1993
  • 1975  Female Friends
    • Le amiche del cuore, La tartaruga, 1994
  • 1976  Remember Me
  • 1977  Little Sisters
  • 1978  Praxis
  • 1980  Puffball
    • La trappola, La tartaruga, 2009
  • 1982  The President's Child
  • 1983  The Life and Loves of a She-Devil
    • Vita e amori di una diavolessa, Feltrinelli, 1984
  • 1984  Letters to Alice: On First Reading Jane Austen
  • 1986  The Shrapnel Academy
  • 1987  The Hearts and Lives of Men
    • Il cuore e la vita degli uomini, Mondadori, 1989
  • 1987  The Heart of the Country
  • 1988  Leader of the Band
  • 1989  The Cloning of Joanna May
    • Le altre vite di Joanna May, Mondadori, 1990
  • 1990  Darcy's Utopia
  • 1992  Growing Rich
  • 1992  Life Force
    • La forza vitale, Feltrinelli, 1993
  • 1994  Affliction
  • 1995  Splitting
  • 1996  Worst Fears
    • Le peggiori paure, Fazi, 2002
  • 1997  Big Women
  • 2000  Rhode Island Blues
  • 2001  The Bulgari Connection
  • 2002  Auto de Fay [autobiografia]
  • 2004  Mantrapped
  • 2006  She May Not Leave
  • 2007  The Spa Decameron
  • 2008  The Stepmother's Diary
    • I diari della matrigna, La tartaruga, 2010
  • 2009  Chalcot Crescent