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scienze tecniche: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1800-1899

  • 1822, J. V. Poncelet ,  Traité des Propriétés projectives des figures
  • 1823, C.L.M.H. Navier ,  Rapport à Monsieur Becquey...; et Mémoire sur les ponts suspendus
  • 1824, Aloys Senfelder ,  Corso completo di litografia
  • 1829, Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis ,  Du calcul de l'effet des machines
  • 1832, Charles Babbage ,  On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures
  • 1833, Siméon-Denis Poisson ,  Traité de mécanique [2 voll.]
  • 1837, Luke Howard ,  Seven Lectures on Meteorology
  • 1839, Michael Faraday ,  Experimental Researches in Electricity [1839-55] [3 voll.]
  • 1842, Charles Babbage ,  Notions sur la Machine Analytique de M. Charles Babbage [aut. Federico Menabrea]
  • 1843, Charles Babbage ,  Sketch of the Analytical Engine [aut. Ada Augusta Byron Lovelace]
  • 1847, Luke Howard ,  Barometrographia
  • 1847, K. G. C. von Staudt ,  Geometrie der Lage
  • 1849, William Fairbairn ,  An Account of the Construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges
  • 1850, E. Clark ,  The Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges: With Generai Inquiries on Beams and on the Properties of Materials Used in Construction
  • 1851, Mattew Fontaine Maury ,  Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts
  • 1855, Mattew Fontaine Maury ,  The Physical Geography of the Sea
  • 1856, W.J.M. Rankine ,  Introductory Lecture on the Harmony of Theory and Practice in Mechanics
  • 1857, Charles Babbage ,  Tavola della frequenza relativa delle cause di rottura per le lastre di vetro alle finestre
  • 1858, W.J.M. Rankine ,  A Manual of Applied Mechanics
  • 1864, Karl Culmann ,  La Statica grafica
  • 1864, Felice Giordano ,  Industria del ferro in Italia
  • 1864, J.S. Russell ,  The Modern System of Naval Architecture
  • 1865, William Fairbairn ,  Treatise on Iron Ship Building: Its History and Progress
  • 1870, A. Ritter ,  Elementare Theorie und Berechnung eiserner Dach und Brücken Constructionen
  • 1871, J. Bauschinger ,  Elementi di Statica grafica
  • 1872, Luigi Cremona ,  Le figure reciproche nella statica grafica
  • 1873, B. Baker ,  Long-Span Railway Bridges
  • 1873, Louis de Guldenstubbe ,  Pneumatologie positive. La réalité des esprits et le phénomène merveilleux de leur écriture directe démontrées par le Baron L. de Guldenstubbe
  • 1874, Anatole France Il libro del bibliofilo
  • 1874, Paul-Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran ,  Spectres Lumineux
  • 1874, M. Lévy ,  La Statique graphique et ses applications aux constructions
  • 1877, John Vincent Day ,  The prehistoric use of iron and steel: with observations on certain matters ancillary thereto
  • 1877, Antonio Favaro ,  Lezioni di Statica grafica
  • 1878, Mattew Fontaine Maury ,  Manual of Geography: Complete Treatise on Mathematical, Civil, and Physical Geography
  • 1878, Ferdinando Zucchetti ,  Statica grafica. Sua teoria ed applicazioni
  • 1879, C. Guidi ,  Determinazione grafica delle forze interne negli archi metallici
  • 1881, Simon-Holden Newcomb ,  Astronomy for High Schools and Colleges
  • 1882, Karl Culmann ,  Della vita e degli scritti di C. Culmann [aut. A. Favaro]
  • 1882, Antonio Favaro ,  Della vita e degli scritti di C. Culmann
  • 1882, Giorgio Pozzoli ,  Nuovo manuale di tipografia
  • 1883, Ernst Mach ,  La meccanica nel suo sviluppo storico-critico
  • 1884, J. Wesley Van Dervoort ,  The Water World, or The Ocean: its Wonders and Mysteries; its Inhabitants, Laws, Currents, Tides, Wind-waves, Unrecovered Treasures, and Mechanical Appliances
  • 1887, E.N. Legnazzi ,  Del catasto romano e di alcuni elementi di geodesia
  • 1888, Nicolas Camille Flammarion ,  L'atmosphère. Métérologie populaire
  • 1888, Carlo Saviotti ,  La Statica grafica
  • 1889, Charles Babbage ,  Calculing Engines
  • 1889, Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel ,  Mémoire présenté à l'appui du projet définitif du Viaduc de Garabit
  • 1889, Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel ,  The Eiffel Tower
  • 1891, Leonardo da Vinci ,  Codice Trivulziano
  • 1892, August Edward Hough Love ,  Trattato di teoria matematica dell’elasticità
  • 1893, Karl Pearson ,  A History of the Theory of Elasticity and of the Strength of Materials [2 voll.]
  • 1893, Isaac Todhunter ,  A History of the Theory of Elasticity and of the Strength of materials [2 voll. 1886,1893]
  • 1894, Leonardo da Vinci ,  Codice Atlantico
  • 1895, E.F. Strange ,  Alphabets. A Manual of Lettering for the Use of Students, with Historical and Practical Descriptions
  • 1896, Ernst Mach ,  I principi della teoria del calore