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storia della scienza: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1800-1899

  • 1810, Posidonio ,  Posidonii Rhodii Reliquice Doctrince
  • 1817, Georges Cuvier ,  Le Règne animal distribué d'après son organisation
  • 1817, Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre ,  Storia dell’astronomia antica
  • 1817, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ,  La Forma delle nuvole secondo Howard
  • 1817, David Ricardo Principi di economia politica e dell'imposta
  • 1819, Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre ,  Storia dell’astronomia del Medioevo
  • 1821, Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre ,  Storia dell’astronomia moderna
  • 1824, John Bostock ,  An Elementary System of Physiology
  • 1827, Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre ,  Storia dell’astronomia del 18° secolo
  • 1829, Giacinto Amati ,  Ricerche storico-critico-scientifiche sulle origini, scoperte, invenzioni, ecc.
  • 1829, Charles Babbage ,  Reflections on the Decline of Science in England and on Some of its Causes
  • 1832, J. Bolyai ,  Appendix scientiam spatii absolute veram exhibens
  • 1837, William Whewell ,  History of Inductive Sciences, from the Earliest to the Present Times
  • 1838, Guillaume Libri ,  Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie de la Renaissance au XVIIIe siècle [1838-41]
  • 1839, Michael Faraday ,  Experimental Researches in Electricity [1839-55] [3 voll.]
  • 1845, Alexander von Humboldt ,  Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltgeschichte [5 voll.] [1845-62]
  • 1847, George Johnston ,  A History of the British Zoophytes
  • 1851, Philip Henry Gosse ,  A Textbook of Zoology for Schools
  • 1853, Joseph-Arthur de Gobineau ,  Saggio sulla disuguaglianza delle razze umane
  • 1854, George Boole ,  Indagine sulle leggi del pensiero, su cui sono fondate le teorie matematiche della logica e della probabilità
  • 1855, Karl Otfried Müller ,  Geographi Graeci Minores
  • 1857, François Arago ,  Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men
  • 1858, William Whewell ,  The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. History of Scientific Ideas, vol.I
  • 1859, Charles Robert Darwin Sulla origine delle specie per elezione naturale
  • 1859, Marco Antonio de Dominis ,  The Life and Contemporaneous Church History of Antonio de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalato [aut. Henry Newland]
  • 1859, Henry Newland ,  The Life and Contemporaneous Church History of Antonio de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalato
  • 1863, Thomas Henry Huxley Il posto dell'uomo nella natura
  • 1863, Ernst Mach ,  Aus Dr. Mach’s Vorträge Über Psychophysik
  • 1864, N. G. Poudra ,  Histoire de la perspective ancienne et moderne
  • 1865, Isaac Todhunter ,  A History of the mathematichal Theory of Probability, from the Time of Pascal to that of Laplace
  • 1869, J. Bertrand ,  L'Académie Royale des Sciences de 1666 à 1793
  • 1869, Ipparco ,  Die Geographischen Fragmente Des Hipparch
  • 1872, Charles Robert Darwin ,  L'espressione delle emozioni nell'uomo e negli animali (con Taccuini M e N. Profilo di un bambino)
  • 1872, Ernst Mach ,  Storia e radici del principio di conservazione dell’energia
  • 1873, W.L. Bevan ,  Mediaeval Geography: An Essay in Illustration of the Hereford Mappa Mandi
  • 1878, George Combe ,  The Life of George Combe, Author of The Constitution of Man [aut. C. Gibbon]
  • 1878, C. Gibbon ,  The Life of George Combe, Author of The Constitution of Man
  • 1879, William Kingdom Clifford ,  Lectures and Essays
  • 1879, Hermann A. Diels ,  Doxographi graeci, collegit, recensuit, prolegomenis indicibusque instruxit Hermannus Diels
  • 1880, Eratostene ,  Die Geographischen Fragmente Des Eratosthenes
  • 1882, Karl Culmann ,  Della vita e degli scritti di C. Culmann [aut. A. Favaro]
  • 1882, Antonio Favaro ,  Della vita e degli scritti di C. Culmann
  • 1883, Ernst Mach ,  La meccanica nel suo sviluppo storico-critico
  • 1883, Jean Paul Richter ,  The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci
  • 1884, E. von Böhm-Bawerk ,  Kapital und Kapitalzins
  • 1885, Thomas Little Heath ,  Diophantus of Alexandria: A Study in the History of Greek Algebra
  • 1887, Agnes M. Clerke ,  A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century
  • 1890, James Clerk Maxwell ,  The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell [aut. W.D. Niven]
  • 1890, W.D. Niven ,  The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell
  • 1896, Thomas Little Heath ,  Apollonius of Perga: A Treatise on the Conic Sections
  • 1896, Ernst Mach ,  I principi della teoria del calore
  • 1896, Ernst Mach ,  Lezioni scientifico-divulgative
  • 1896, Andrew Dickson White ,  History of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom [2 voll.]
  • 1897, C.R. Beazley ,  The Dawn of Modern Geography [3 voll.]
  • 1897, Thomas Little Heath ,  The Works of Archimedes
  • 1897, A. Rebière ,  Les Femmes dans la science
  • 1898, Arthur Berry ,  A Short History of Astronomy From Earliest Times Through the Nineteenth Century
  • 1898, George Howard Darwin ,  The Tides (and kindred phenomena in the solar system)
  • 1899, Erone di Alessandria ,  Heronis Alexandrini Opera quae supersunt omnia
  • 1899, Samuel R. Wells ,  How To Read Character: a New Illustrated Hand-Book of Phrenology and Physiognomy for students and examiners, with a Descriptive Chart