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storia della scienza: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1988-1989

  • 1988, Enrico Bellone Opere scelte di Albert Einstein
  • 1988, Francis Crick ,  La folle caccia. La vera storia della scoperta del codice genetico
  • 1988, Albert Einstein Opere scelte
  • 1988, Judith V. Field ,  Kepler's Geometrical Cosmology
  • 1988, A. Holt-Jensen ,  Geography: his history and concepts
  • 1988, B. A. Rosenfeld ,  A History of Non-Euclidean Geometry. Evolution of the Concept of a Geometric Space
  • 1988, Paolo Rossi ,  Storia della scienza moderna e contemporanea
  • 1988, Carl Edward Sagan ,  The Scientific and Historical Rationales for Solar System Exploration
  • 1988, J. Staal ,  The New Patterns in the Sky: Myths and Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets
  • 1988, Alfred Stückelberger ,  Einführung in die antiken Naturwissenschaften
  • 1989, Pnina G. Abir-Am ,  Uneasy Careers and Intimate Lives: Women in Science, 1789-1979
  • 1989, Julian B. Barbour ,  Absolute or Relative Motion, vol.I: The Discovery of Dynamics
  • 1989, David Cahan ,  An Institute far an Empire
  • 1989, B. Dixon ,  From Creation to Chaos. Classic Writings in Science
  • 1989, Stillman Drake ,  History of Free Fall
  • 1989, Albert Einstein ,  The collected papers of Albert Einstein, vol. 2: The Swiss years: writings 1900-1909
  • 1989, W. Gratzer ,  The Longman Literary Companion
  • 1989, Denis Guedj ,  La Révolution des savants
  • 1989, Herbert Horz ,  Ludwig Boltzmanns Wege nach Berlin
  • 1989, Ludmilla Jordanova ,  Sexual Visions: Images of Gender ín Science and Medicine Between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  • 1989, W. Knorr ,  Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Geometry
  • 1989, John David North ,  Stars. Minds and Fate. Essays in Ancient and Medieval Cosmology
  • 1989, John David North ,  The reluctant revolutionaries: astronomy after Copernicus
  • 1989, David Oldroyd ,  Storia della filosofia della scienza
  • 1989, D.J. O'Meara ,  Pythagoras Revived
  • 1989, Pitagora ,  Pythagoras Revived [aut. D.J. O'Meara]
  • 1989, Bernard E. Rollin Il lamento inascoltato
  • 1989, Paolo Rossi ,  La scienza e la filosofia dei moderni
  • 1989, D.E. Rowe ,  The History of Modern Mathematics
  • 1989, Michael Ruse ,  The Darwinian Paradigm, Essays on its History, Philosophy and Religious Implications
  • 1989, Londa Schiebinger ,  The Mind Has No Sex? Women in the Origins of Modern Science
  • 1989, A.M. Silverstein ,  A History of Immunology
  • 1989, John Stachel ,  Einstein and the history of general relativity
  • 1989, Heinrich von Staden ,  Herophilus. The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria
  • 1989, H. von Staden ,  Herophilus. The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria