David P. Barash: opere
- 1977 Sociobiology and Human Behavior, Elsevier, New York, [rif.]
- 1980 Geni in famiglia, Bompiani, [rif.]
- 1988 La lepre e la tartaruga, Longanesi, [rif.]
- 2002 Il mito della monogamia. Animali e uomini (in)fedeli, Cortina, Milano, [rif.]
- con: Judith Eve Lipton
- 2002 The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People, Owl Books, New York, [rif.]
- con: J.E. Lipton
- 2009 Strange Bedfelloes: The Surprising Connection Between Sex, Evolution and Monogomy, Bellevue Literary Press, New York, [rif.]
- con: Judith Eve Lipton