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astronomia: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1900-1989

  • 1900, R. Brown ,  Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians, and Babylonians
  • 1903, Franz Boll ,  Sphaera
  • 1903, Koresh ,  The Cellular Cosmogony or: The Earth a Concave Sphere
  • 1905, Roberto Almagià ,  La dottrina della marea nell'Antichità classica e nel Medio Evo
  • 1906, John Louis Emil Dreyer ,  History of the Planetary System from Thales to Kepler
  • 1906, John Louis Emil Dreyer ,  Storia dell'astronomia da Talete a Keplero
  • 1906, Percival Lowell ,  Mars and Its Canals
  • 1907, Williamina Fleming ,  A Photographic Study of Variable Stars
  • 1907, Alfred Russel Wallace ,  Is Mars Habitable? A Critical Examination of Professor Percival Lowell's Book "Mars and Its Canals", with an Alternative Explanatíon
  • 1908, J.A. Repsold ,  Zur Geschichte der astronomischen Messwerkzeuge. I.Band: von Purbach bis Reichenbach, 1450-1830
  • 1911, C. Nallino ,  Asturlab
  • 1912, Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre ,  Grandeur et figure de la Terre
  • 1913, Aristarco di Samo ,  Aristarchus of Samos, the ancient Copernicus; a history of Greek astronomy to Aristarchus, together with Aristarchuss Treatise on the sizes and distances of the sun and moon [aut. Thomas Little Heath]
  • 1913, Tycho Brahe ,  Opera omnia, 15 voll.
  • 1913, Thomas Little Heath ,  Aristarchus of Samos, the ancient Copernicus; a history of Greek astronomy to Aristarchus, together with Aristarchuss Treatise on the sizes and distances of the sun and moon
  • 1914, Arthur Stanley Eddington ,  Stellar Movements and the Structure of the Universe
  • 1921, Edward Luther Stevenson ,  Terrestrial and Celestial Globes. Their History and Construction including a consideration of their value as aids in the study of Geography and Astronomy [2 vols.]
  • 1922, George Ellery Hale ,  The New Heavens
  • 1925, Charles Nordmann ,  The Tyranny of Time
  • 1925, Cecilia Helena Payne ,  Stellar Atmospheres: A Contribution to the Observational Study of High Temperature in the Reversing Layers of Stars
  • 1925, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli ,  Scritti sulla storia dell'astronomia antica [3 voll.]
  • 1926, Arthur Stanley Eddington ,  Internal Constitution of Stars
  • 1929, Harlow Shapley ,  The Universe of Stars
  • 1930, Eugène Mickel Antoniadi ,  La planète Mars: étude basée sur les resultats obtenus avec la grande lunette de l'observatoire de Meudon
  • 1931, Solon I. Bailey ,  The History and Work of Harvard Observatory, 1839 to 1927
  • 1932, R. Gunther ,  Astrolabe in the world
  • 1932, Thomas Little Heath ,  Greek Astronomy
  • 1933, Arthur Stanley Eddington ,  L’universo in espansione
  • 1940, George Gamow ,  The Birth and the Death of the Sun: Stellar Evolution and Subatomic Energy
  • 1951, Otto Neugebauer ,  Le scienze esatte nell'Antichità
  • 1952, Cecilia Helena Payne ,  Le stelle in formazione
  • 1953, John Louis Emil Dreyer ,  A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler
  • 1954, Cecilia Helena Payne ,  Introduction to Astronomy
  • 1955, Margherita Hack ,  Corso di fisica stellare. Interpretazione degli spettri stellari
  • 1955, Simone Stevino ,  The Principal Works of Simon Stevin [5 voll.] [1955-1966]
  • 1956, E. Zinner ,  Deutsche und niederländische astronomische Instrumente des 11.-18. Jahrhunderts
  • 1957, Thomas Samuel Kuhn ,  La rivoluzione copernicana
  • 1959, R.H. Baker ,  Astronomy
  • 1959, Margherita Hack ,  Le nebulose e gli universi-isole
  • 1959, O. Struve ,  Elementary astronomy
  • 1960, Giovanni Dondi Dall'Orologio ,  Il Tractatus Astrarii [Biblioteca Capitolare di Padova Cod. D.39]
  • 1960, Margherita Hack ,  La radioastronomia. Alla scoperta di un nuovo aspetto dell'universo
  • 1960, E.M. Purcell ,  Radioastronomy and Communication Through Space
  • 1961, Alexandre Koyré ,  La rivoluzione astronomica: Copernico, Keplero, Borelli
  • 1961, A. Pannekoek ,  A History of Astronorny
  • 1962, Max Caspar ,  Kepler 1571-1530
  • 1962, Morton Grosser ,  The Discovery of Neptune
  • 1963, Margherita Hack ,  L'universo. Pianeti, stelle e galassie
  • 1964, G. Abetti ,  Storia dell'astronomia
  • 1964, H. Cuny ,  Flammarion
  • 1964, Elisabeth J. Evans ,  The Friendly Stars. How to locate and identify them
  • 1964, Nicolas Camille Flammarion ,  Flammarion [aut. H. Cuny]
  • 1964, P. van de Kamp ,  Elements of astromechanics
  • 1966, F.R. Stephenson ,  Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation
  • 1967, Margherita Hack ,  Corso di astronomia
  • 1967, Pierre-Simon de Laplace ,  Trattato di meccanica celeste
  • 1968, Serge Moscovici ,  Les développements historiques de la théorie galiléenne des marées
  • 1968, J.A. Wood ,  Meteorites and the Origin of Planets
  • 1969, Otto Neugebauer ,  Egyptian Astronomical Texts, vol. 3: Decans, Pianets, Constellations, and Zodiacs
  • 1969, Harlow Shapley ,  Through Rugged Ways to the Stars
  • 1970, Galileo Galilei ,  Galileo e la cosmologia [aut. Libero Sosio]
  • 1970, Libero Sosio ,  Galileo e la cosmologia
  • 1971, Eric J. Aiton ,  The Vortex Theory of Planetary Motion
  • 1971, Eric J. Aiton ,  The Vortex Theory of Planetary Motions
  • 1971, Campano da Novara ,  Campanus of Novara and Medieval Planetary Theory. Theorica planetarum
  • 1971, Bessie Zaban Jones ,  The Harvard College Observatory: The First Four Directorships, 1839-1919
  • 1972, Peter M. Fraser ,  Ptolemaic Alexandria [3 voll.]
  • 1974, Giovanni Dondi Dall'Orologio ,  The Planetarium of Giovanni De Dondi citizen of Padua [aut. G. H. Baillie, H. Alan Lloyd, F.A.B. Ward]
  • 1974, Elisabeth Labrousse ,  L'Entrée de Saturne au Lion. L'Éclipse de Soleil du 12 Août 1654
  • 1975, Galileo Galilei ,  Opere dei Discepoli di Galileo: Carteggio [2 vol.] [1975-1985] [aut. Paolo Galluzzi]
  • 1975, Paolo Galluzzi ,  Opere dei Discepoli di Galileo: Carteggio [2 vol.] [1975-1985]
  • 1975, Otto Neugebauer ,  A History of ancient mathematical Astronomy
  • 1976, S.L. Gibbs ,  Greek and Roman Sundials
  • 1976, H. Michel ,  Traité su l'Astrolabe
  • 1977, Isaac Asimov ,  Supernove
  • 1977, E. Schafer ,  Pacing the Void: T'ang Approaches to the Stars
  • 1977, R. Scheen ,  Navigazione e manovra
  • 1977, F. ,  Le procès des étoiles
  • 1978, Robert Jastrow ,  God and the Astronomers
  • 1979, Nicolò Copernico ,  Opere
  • 1979, C. Francillon ,  Soleil est mort
  • 1979, Giovanni Keplero ,  Kepler. Astronome Astrologue [aut. Gérard Simon]
  • 1979, W. Schroeder ,  Astronomia pratica
  • 1979, Gérard Simon ,  1979
  • 1979, D.J. Warner ,  The Sky explored. Celestial cartography 1500-1800
  • 1980, Anthony Aveni ,  Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico
  • 1980, Enrico Bellone ,  Il Sogno di Galileo. Oggetti e Immagini della Ragione
  • 1981, T. Regge ,  Cronache dell'Universo
  • 1981, R. Williamson ,  Archaeoastronomy in the Americas
  • 1982, Isaac Asimov ,  Esplorando la Terra e il cosmo
  • 1982, Paul Charles William Davies ,  The Accidental Universe
  • 1982, Arne A. Henden ,  Astronomical Photometry: A Text and Handbook for the Advanced Amateur and Professional Astronomer
  • 1982, M.A. Hoskin ,  Stellar Astronomy: Historical Studies
  • 1982, Ned T. Roseveare ,  Mercury's Perihelion. From Le Verrier to Einstein
  • 1982, Robert W. Smith ,  The Expanding Universe: Astronomy's «Great Debate», 1900-1931
  • 1983, M. Cavedon ,  Galaxias. Miti e realtà di stelle e pianeti
  • 1983, Margherita Hack ,  L'Universo violento della Radioastronomia
  • 1983, C. Piazzi Smyth ,  Charles Piazzi Smyth: Astronomer-Artist. His Care Years 1835-45 [aut. Brian Warner]
  • 1983, Chandrasekhar Subramanyan ,  Eddington: the Most Distinguished Astrophysicist of His Time
  • 1983, Brian Warner ,  Charles Piazzi Smyth: Astronomer-Artist. His Care Years 1835-45
  • 1984, John Banville ,  Il vino e le stelle
  • 1984, John Banville ,  La Notte di Keplero
  • 1984, Ian Ridpath Guida delle Stelle e dei Pianeti
  • 1984, Edward Rosen ,  Kepler's attitude toward astrology and mysticism
  • 1984, Wil Tirion Guida delle Stelle e dei Pianeti
  • 1984, G.J. Toomer ,  Ptolemy's Almagest
  • 1984, P. Van der Krogt ,  Old Globes in the Netherlands. A catalogue of terrestrial and celestial globes made prior to 1850 and preserved in Dutch collections
  • 1984, Brian Vickers ,  Occult and Scientific Mentalities in the Renaissance
  • 1985, N. Davidson ,  Astronomy and the Imagination
  • 1985, J. Cl. Pecker ,  Capire l'Astronomia
  • 1985, Giuliano Romano Introduzione all'astronomia
  • 1985, E. Savage-Smith ,  Islamicate Celestial Globes. Their History, Construction, and Use
  • 1985, A. Van Helden ,  Measuring the Universe
  • 1986, Joachim Schultz ,  Movements and Rhythms of the Stars
  • 1988, Anthony Aveni ,  World Archaeoastronomy
  • 1988, H.A. Bruck ,  The Peripatetic Astronomer: The Life of Charles Piazzi Smyth
  • 1988, Judith V. Field ,  Kepler's Geometrical Cosmology
  • 1988, Jonathan E. Grindlay ,  The Harlow Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies
  • 1988, Z. Horsky ,  Prazsky Orloj
  • 1988, E. Magaña ,  Orión y la Mujer Pléyades: Simbolismo Astronómico de los Indios Kaliña de Surinam
  • 1988, Carl Edward Sagan ,  The Scientific and Historical Rationales for Solar System Exploration
  • 1988, J. Staal ,  The New Patterns in the Sky: Myths and Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets
  • 1988, A. Stimson ,  The mariner's astrolabe: a survey of known, surviving sea astrolabes
  • 1989, Jocelyn Godwin ,  Cosmic Music
  • 1989, Derek Howse ,  Neril Maskelyne: The Seaman's Astronomer
  • 1989, Malcom S. Longair Astrofisica
  • 1989, Nevil Maskelyne ,  Nevil Maskelyne: The Seaman's Astronomer [aut. Derek Howse]
  • 1989, John David North ,  Stars. Minds and Fate. Essays in Ancient and Medieval Cosmology
  • 1989, John David North ,  The reluctant revolutionaries: astronomy after Copernicus