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astronomia: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1990-1999

  • 1990, Michael J. Crowe ,  Theories of the World from Antiquity to the Copernican Revolution
  • 1990, Gerd Grasshoff ,  The history of Ptolemys star catalogue
  • 1990, Jean-Pierre Verdet ,  Storia dell'astronomia
  • 1991, Plutarco ,  Il volto della luna
  • 1991, Jeffrey Burton Russell ,  Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus and Modern Historians
  • 1992, Anthony Aveni ,  Conversando con i pianeti. Il cosmo nel mito e nella scienza
  • 1992, R. Goodman ,  Lakota Star Knowledge: Studies in Stellar Theology
  • 1992, E.C. Krupp ,  Beyond the Blue Horizon: Myths of the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets
  • 1992, R. Williamson ,  Earth and Sky: Visions of the Cosmos in Native American Folklore
  • 1993, Germaine Aujac ,  Claude Ptolémée astronome, astrologue, géographe
  • 1993, D. Freidel ,  Maya Cosmos: Three Thousand Years on the Shaman's Path
  • 1993, Dorrit Hoffleit ,  Women in the History of Variable Star Astronomy
  • 1993, Leon M. Lederman ,  La particella di Dio. Se l'universo è la domanda, qual è la risposta?
  • 1993, George-Davidson Smoot ,  Wrinkles in Time
  • 1993, P. Van der Krogt ,  Globi Neerlandici. The production of globes in the Low Countries
  • 1993, Jean-Pierre Verdet ,  Il cielo. Caos e armonia del mondo
  • 1994, Micheline Grenet ,  La Passion des Astres au XVIIe siecle
  • 1994, E.C. Krupp ,  Echoes of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations
  • 1994, John David North ,  The Fontana History of Astronomy and Cosmology
  • 1994, John David North ,  The Norton History of Astronomy and Cosmology
  • 1994, William Lowell Putnam ,  The Explorers of Mars Hill: A Centennial History of Lowell Observatory, 1894-1994
  • 1994, Kip S. Thorne ,  Black Holes and Time Warps
  • 1995, Gale E. Christianson ,  Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae
  • 1995, Paul Charles William Davies ,  Gli ultimi tre minuti
  • 1995, I. Drealants ,  Eclipses, comètes, autres phénomènes célestes et tremblements de terre au Moyen Age
  • 1995, Jocelyn Godwin ,  Harmonies of Heaven Earth
  • 1995, Edwin Hubble ,  Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae [aut. Gale E. Christianson]
  • 1995, Michael Schneider ,  A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe
  • 1995, René Taton ,  Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the Rise of Astrophysics, II. B: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
  • 1996, V. del Chamberlain ,  Songs from the Sky: Indigenous Astronomical and Cosmological Traditions of the World
  • 1996, John B. Hearnshaw ,  The Measurement of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Photometry
  • 1996, J. S. Lewis ,  Rain of Iron and Ice: The Very Real Threat of Comet and Asteroid Bombardment
  • 1996, Marianne McDonald ,  Tales of the Constellations: The Myths and Legends of the Night Sky
  • 1996, Vera Rubin ,  Bright Galaxies, Dark Matters
  • 1996, G.L. Verschuur ,  Impact. The Threat of Comets and Asteroids
  • 1996, Christopher Walker ,  L'astronomia prima del telescopio
  • 1997, Anthony Aveni ,  Stairways to the Stars: Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Cultures
  • 1997, Anthony Aveni ,  The Sky on Mayan Literature
  • 1997, Richard Baum ,  In Search of Planet Vulcan. The Ghost in Newton's Clockwork Universe
  • 1997, T. Condos ,  Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans: A Sourcebook
  • 1997, Donald Goldsmith ,  The Hunt for Life on Mars
  • 1997, E.C. Krupp ,  Skywatchers, Shamans and Kings. Astronomy and the Archaeology of Power
  • 1997, John Lankford ,  American Astronomy: Community, Careers and Power, 1859-1940
  • 1997, Pierre-Simon de Laplace ,  Storia dell'astronomia
  • 1997, John David North ,  Il mistero di Stonehenge
  • 1997, Paolo Rossi La nascita della scienza moderna in Europa
  • 1997, Christopher Walker ,  L'astronomia
  • 1997, S. Xiaochun ,  The Chinese Sky During the Han: Constellating Stars and Society
  • 1998, D. Chaperon ,  Camille Flammarion. Entre astronomie et litérature
  • 1998, Nicolas Camille Flammarion ,  Camille Flammarion. Entre astronomie et litérature [aut. D. Chaperon]
  • 1998, Ferruccio Francescato ,  Le scoperte dell'astronomia
  • 1998, Carlo Gallo ,  L'astronomia egizia. Dalle scoperte archeologiche alla misurazione del tempo
  • 1998, Patrick Moore ,  On Mars
  • 1998, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli ,  La vita sul pianeta Marte
  • 1999, David Edgar Cartwright ,  Tides. A Scientific History
  • 1999, Margherita Hack ,  Sette variazioni sul cielo
  • 1999, G.W. Kronk ,  Cometography, vol. 1: Ancient-1799
  • 1999, Michael Light ,  Luna
  • 1999, T. Regge ,  L'universo senza fine
  • 1999, Michael Rowan-Robinson I nove numeri del cosmo