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matematica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1994-1995

  • 1994, C. Adams ,  The Knot Book
  • 1994, W. Brian Arthur ,  On the Evolution of Complexity
  • 1994, J. M. Bernardo ,  Bayesian Theory
  • 1994, Steven Brams ,  Theory of Moves
  • 1994, Georg Cantor ,  Infini et Incoscient: Essai sur Georg Cantor [aut. Nathalie Charraud]
  • 1994, Roberto Casati Buchi e altre superficialità
  • 1994, Nathalie Charraud ,  Infini et Incoscient: Essai sur Georg Cantor
  • 1994, I. Chavel ,  Riemanian Geometry. A Modern Introduction
  • 1994, Jack Cohen ,  The Collapse of Chaos. Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World
  • 1994, J. Czyz ,  Paradoxes of Measures and Dimensions Originating in Felix Hausdorff's Ideas
  • 1994, P. E. Erlich ,  Real Numbers, Generalizations of the Reals, and Theories of Continua
  • 1994, Stuart Kauffman ,  Whispers from Carnot. The Origins of Order and Principles of Adaptation in Complex Nonequilibrium Systems
  • 1994, Shaughan Lavine ,  Understanding the Infinite
  • 1994, Gabriele Lolli ,  Dagli insiemi ai numeri
  • 1994, Klaus Mainzer ,  Thinking in Complexity
  • 1994, W. G. McCallum ,  Multivariable Calculus
  • 1994, C.A. Piekover ,  Chaos in Wonderland
  • 1994, Jean-Paul Pier ,  The Development of Mathematics, 1900-1950
  • 1994, N. Shankar ,  Metamathematic, Machines, and Gödel's Proof
  • 1994, Hugo Steinhaus ,  Matematica per istantanee
  • 1994, Oliviero Stock ,  Intelligenza artificiale: aree di ricerca, tendenze, prospettive
  • 1994, Achille C. Varzi Buchi e altre superficialità
  • 1994, Angelo Vulpiani ,  Determinismo e caos
  • 1994, Stephen Wolfram ,  Cellular Automata and Complexity
  • 1995, N. Bellomo ,  Modelling Mathematical Methods and Scientific Computation
  • 1995, David Berlinski ,  I numeri e le cose: un viaggio nel calcolo infinitesimale
  • 1995, Ken Binmore ,  Playing Fair: Game Theory and the Social Contract I
  • 1995, R.P. Boas ,  Lion Hunting & Other Mathematical Pursuits
  • 1995, L. Carlucci Aiello ,  Invito all'Intelligenza Artificiale
  • 1995, Gregory Chaitin ,  The Limits of Mathematics
  • 1995, M. Chouchan ,  Nicolas Bourbaki, Faits et Légendes,
  • 1995, Henry Ernest Dudeney ,  536 Puzzles and Curious Problems
  • 1995, Ivar Ekeland ,  Le chaos
  • 1995, Martin Gardner ,  Martin Gardner's New Mathematical Diversions
  • 1995, M. Gullen ,  Five Equations That Changed the World
  • 1995, Harriet Hawking ,  Strange Attractors. Literature, Culture and Chaos Theory
  • 1995, Douglas R. Hofstadter ,  Concetti fluidi e analogie creative
  • 1995, John H. Holland ,  Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity
  • 1995, Gorge J. Klir ,  Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications
  • 1995, Hans Meinhardt ,  The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells
  • 1995, M. Panza ,  Geometria, flussioni e differenziali. Tradizione e innovazione nella matematica del Seicento
  • 1995, Theoni Pappas ,  Le gioie della matematica
  • 1995, F. Pastrone ,  Sophie Germain: la visione eroica della matematica
  • 1995, Clifford A. Pickover ,  Keys to Infinity
  • 1995, Clifford A. Pickover ,  The Pattern Book: Fractals, Art, and Nature
  • 1995, J. von Plato ,  Creating Modern Probability
  • 1995, Jules-Henri Poincaré ,  Geometrie e caso
  • 1995, S.J. Russel ,  Intelligenza Artificiale: un approccio moderno
  • 1995, R. M. Sainsbury ,  Paradoxes
  • 1995, Ian Nicholas Stewart ,  Nature's Numbers
  • 1995, Peter Tannenbaum ,  Excursions in Modern Mathematics
  • 1995, A. Taylor ,  Mathematics and politics
  • 1995, Margaret Wertheim I pantaloni di Pitagora
  • 1995, P. Wilmott ,  The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives
  • 1995, Angus Wilson ,  A Biography [aut. Margaret Drabble]