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matematica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1996-1997

  • 1996, H.D.I. Abarbanel ,  Analysis of Observed Chaotic Data
  • 1996, Per Bak ,  How Nature Works. The Science of Self-Organixed Criticality
  • 1996, Marco Belpoliti Nodi
  • 1996, Umberto Bottazzini ,  Teoremi e congetture
  • 1996, Lewis Carroll ,  Enigmi e giochi matematici
  • 1996, Lewis Carroll ,  The Universe in a Handkerchief: Lewis Carroll's Mathematical Recreations, Games, Puzzles, and Word Plays [aut. Martin Gardner]
  • 1996, John L. Casti ,  Five Golden Rules: Great Theories of 20th-Century Mathematics, and Why They Matter
  • 1996, B. Centrone ,  Introduzione ai Pitagorici
  • 1996, Domenico Costantini Regole matematiche del gioco d'azzardo
  • 1996, M. Degenaar ,  Molyneux's Problem. Three Centuries of Discussion on the Perception of Forms
  • 1996, Denis Guedj ,  L'impero dei numeri
  • 1996, N. J. Higham ,  Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms
  • 1996, Giorgio Israel ,  La visione matematica della realtà. Introduzione ai temi e alla storia della modellistica matematica
  • 1996, Jean-Michel Kantor ,  Les Noeuds
  • 1996, A. Malet ,  From Indivisibles to Infinitesimals
  • 1996, Andrea Saini ,  La logica matematica
  • 1996, R. Stacey ,  Complexity and Creativity in Organizations
  • 1996, Ian Nicholas Stewart ,  From here to Infinity: a Guide to Today's Mathematics
  • 1996, Gianni Zanarini ,  Complessità come modo di pensare il mondo
  • 1997, E.H.L. Aarts ,  Local Search in Combinatorial Optimisation
  • 1997, Michael Atiyah ,  Fields Medallists' Lectures
  • 1997, J. Barrow-Green ,  Poincaré and the Three Body Problem
  • 1997, A. Borst ,  Computus. Tempo e numero nella storia d'Europa
  • 1997, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara La logica quantistica
  • 1997, Stanislas Dehaene ,  Il pallino della matematica
  • 1997, A. de Rosa ,  Geometrie dell'ombra
  • 1997, Hans Magnus Enzensberger Il mago dei numeri
  • 1997, J.M. Epstein ,  Nonlinear Dynamics, Mathematical Biology, and Social Science
  • 1997, J. V. Field ,  The Invention of Infinity. Mathematics and Art in the Renaissance
  • 1997, A. Frenkel ,  Technological Innovation and Diffusion Models. A Review
  • 1997, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia ,  L'intelligenza artificiale
  • 1997, Roberto Giuntini La logica quantistica
  • 1997, C. Henrion ,  Women in Mathematics: The Addition of Difference
  • 1997, Benoît B. Mandelbrot ,  Fractales, hasard et finance
  • 1997, Benoît B. Mandelbrot ,  Fractals and Scaling in Finance. Discontinuity, Concentration, Risk
  • 1997, Michael Monastyrsky ,  Modern Mathematics in the Light of the Fields Medals
  • 1997, Theoni Pappas ,  Mathematical Scandals
  • 1997, Jules-Henri Poincaré ,  Poincaré and the Three Body Problem [aut. J. Barrow-Green]
  • 1997, V. Prasolov ,  Knots, links, braids and 3-manifolds
  • 1997, Constance Reid ,  Julia [Robinson]. A Life in Mathematics
  • 1997, M. D. Resnik ,  Mathematics as a Science of Patterns
  • 1997, Gian Carlo Rota ,  Indiscrete Thoughts
  • 1997, Simon Singh ,  L'ultimo teorema di Fermat
  • 1997, Giuliano Spirito ,  Grammatica dei numeri
  • 1997, D.L. Turcotte ,  Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics
  • 1997, Paolo Zellini ,  La ribellione del numero