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scienze sociali: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1992-1993

  • 1992, Elazar Barkan ,  The Retreat from Scientific Racism! Changing Concepts of race in Britain and the United States Between The World Wars
  • 1992, Paul Boyer ,  When Time Shall Be No More
  • 1992, J.M. Brohm ,  Socio-politique du sport
  • 1992, Judith Butler ,  Feminists Theorize the Political
  • 1992, Bruno Cartosio ,  Anni inquieti. Società media ideologie negli Stati Uniti da Truman a Kennedy
  • 1992, Adele Clarke ,  The Right Tools for the Job: At Work in Twentieth-Century Life Sciences
  • 1992, M. Contini ,  Per una pedagogia delle emozioni
  • 1992, Peter Dobkin Hall ,  Inventing the Nonprofit Sector and Other Essays on Philantropy, Voluntarism and Nonprofit Organizations
  • 1992, D.G. Ellis ,  From Language to Communication
  • 1992, Dean Falk ,  Braindance
  • 1992, Franco Farinelli ,  I segni del mondo. Immagine cartografica e discorso geografico in età moderna
  • 1992, David Forgacs ,  L'industrializzazione della cultura italiana, 1880-1890
  • 1992, Richard J. Golsan ,  Fascism, Aesthetics and Culture
  • 1992, Jean Guitton ,  Dio e la scienza
  • 1992, Evelyn Fox Keller ,  Secrets of Life, Secrets of Death. Essays on Language, Gender and Science
  • 1992, Evelyn Fox Keller ,  The wo/man scientist
  • 1992, Giulio C. Lepschy ,  La linguistica del Novecento
  • 1992, G. Matthews ,  The Rise of Public Woman: Woman's Power and Woman's Place in the United States, 1630-1970
  • 1992, Donella H. Meadows ,  Oltre i limiti dello sviluppo
  • 1992, Lynda Nead ,  The Female Nude: Art, Obscenity and Sexuality
  • 1992, David Franklin Noble Un mondo senza donne
  • 1992, A. Pickering ,  Science as Practice and Culture
  • 1992, Dietrich Rueschemeyer ,  Capitalist Development and Democracy
  • 1992, Marco Santoro ,  Lettura-Scuola-Biblioteca
  • 1992, Amartya K. Sen ,  La disuguaglianza. Un riesame critico
  • 1992, Geoff Simon ,  Robots: The Quest for Living Machines
  • 1992, Mark Wiggins ,  Untitled: The Housing of Gender
  • 1992, Zuckerman ,  The Outer Circle. Women in the Scientific Community
  • 1993, Ronald Bailey ,  Ecoscam: False prophets of ecological apocalypse
  • 1993, Guy Bechtel ,  Gutenberg
  • 1993, A. Breton ,  Preferences and Democracy
  • 1993, Franco Carlini Tornano i dnasauri
  • 1993, Louis-Ferdinand Céline ,  I sotto uomini. Scritti sociali
  • 1993, Nils Christie ,  Crime Control as Industry: towards Gulag, Western Style?
  • 1993, R.B. Cialdini ,  Influence: Science and practice
  • 1993, I. Bernard Cohen ,  Scienze della natura e scienze sociali
  • 1993, Umberto Eco La ricerca della lingua perfetta nella cultura europea
  • 1993, Antonio Gambino ,  Il mito della politica
  • 1993, Emilio Gentile ,  Il culto del littorio. La sacralizzazione della politica nell'Italia fascista
  • 1993, Alan Hess ,  Viva Las Vegas, After Hours Architecture
  • 1993, Don Ihde ,  Postphenomenology. Essays in the Postmodern Context
  • 1993, James Howard Kunstler ,  The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America's Man-Made Landscape
  • 1993, C. Lecouteux ,  Les monstres dans la pensée médiévale européenne
  • 1993, Martin Lindauer ,  Sulle tracce dell'altruismo
  • 1993, D. McQuail ,  Communication Models
  • 1993, Donald A. Norman Le cose che ci fanno intelligenti
  • 1993, T. Perl ,  Women and Numbers
  • 1993, Daniel Pick ,  La guerra nella cultura contemporanea
  • 1993, Moishe Postone ,  Time, Labor and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory
  • 1993, Renato Rosaldo ,  Culture & Truth: the remaking of social analysis
  • 1993, Mark Rose ,  Authors and Owners: The Invention of Copyright