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scienze tecniche: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1995-1999

  • 1995, Salvatore Abate ,  Navigazione ed esercizi di navigazione
  • 1995, R. M. Baecker ,  Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: Toward the Year 2000
  • 1995, James Brook ,  Resisting the Virtual Life. The Culture and Politics of Information
  • 1995, F. P. Jr. Brooks ,  The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering
  • 1995, Franco Cologni ,  Cartier: l'arte del platino
  • 1995, Paul T. Craddock ,  Early Metal Mining and Production
  • 1995, Gary Lee Downey ,  Granting Membersbip to the Cyborg Image
  • 1995, K. Eric Drexler ,  Introduction to Nanotechnology
  • 1995, William Eisler ,  The Furthest Shore: Images of Terra Australis from the Middle Ages to Captain Cook
  • 1995, A. U. Frank ,  Spatial Information Theory a Theoretical Basis for GIS
  • 1995, G.J. Holmann ,  The Early History of Data Networks
  • 1995, S. Jasanoff ,  Handbook of Science and Technology Studies
  • 1995, Markus Krummenacker ,  Prospects in Nanotechnology, Toward Molecular Manufacturing
  • 1995, T. Lay ,  Modern Global Seismology
  • 1995, N. G. Leveson ,  Safeware: System Safety and Computers
  • 1995, R. Levy ,  Analysis of geometrically nonlinear structures
  • 1995, Mark Monmonier ,  Drawing The Line: Tales of Maps and Cartocontroversy
  • 1995, W. M. Newman ,  Interactive System Design
  • 1995, Henry Petroski ,  Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and The Spanning of America
  • 1995, E. Regis ,  Nano: the emerging science of nanotechnology
  • 1995, Jörg Schlaich ,  The Solar Chimney - Electricity from the Sun
  • 1995, Raleigh Ashlin Skelton ,  The Vinland Map and The Tartar Relation
  • 1995, F.D. Stacey ,  Physics of the Earth
  • 1995, A. Villa ,  Silvano Zorzi: ingegnere 1950-1990
  • 1995, Silvano Zorzi ,  Silvano Zorzi: ingegnere 1950-1990
  • 1996, Allan Douglass Cameron ,  Tarnished Silver
  • 1996, Giovannni Cerami ,  Il giardino e la città. Il progetto del parco urbano in Europa
  • 1996, K. W. Dam ,  Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society
  • 1996, Robert Holden ,  International Landscape Design
  • 1996, Achille Maria Ippolito ,  Il vuoto progettato. Gli spazi pubblici urbani aperti da Roma all'Europa dagli anni Sessanta agli anni Novanta
  • 1996, Y. Kafai ,  Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World
  • 1996, Karl Kordesch ,  Fuel Cells and Their Applications
  • 1996, Alfred J. Menezes ,  Handbook of Applied Cryptography
  • 1996, Henry Petroski ,  Invention by design. How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing
  • 1996, Piri Reìs ,  Piri Reis and Turkish Mapmaking after Columbus [aut. Svat Soucek]
  • 1996, Edward C. Tenner ,  Perché le cose si ribellano. Le conseguenze inattese (e spiacevoli) della tecnologia
  • 1996, Stefano Torresani ,  Storia della Cartografia
  • 1997, G.F. Biggioggero ,  Metodi di comunicazione tecnica: manuale per la trasmissione di informazioni tecniche
  • 1997, J. Bradshaw ,  Software Agents
  • 1997, Clayton M. Christensen ,  Il dilemma dell'innovatore: come le nuove tecnologie possono assicurare il successo alle imprese agili e intraprendenti
  • 1997, P.J. Denning ,  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing
  • 1997, Freeman J. Dyson Mondi possibili
  • 1997, Graham Farmelo ,  Here and now. Contemporary Science and Technology in Museums and Science Centre
  • 1997, A. Frenkel ,  Technological Innovation and Diffusion Models. A Review
  • 1997, John Gribbin ,  Costruire la macchina del tempo
  • 1997, Tomás Maldonado Critica della ragione informatica
  • 1997, Jostein Nerbøvik ,  Holmgang med havet. 1838-1914
  • 1997, David Franklin Noble ,  La religione della tecnologia. Divinità dell'uomo e spirito d'invenzione
  • 1997, Ray Parkin ,  H.M. Bark Endeavour. Her Place in Australian History: With an Account of her Construction, Crew and Equipment, and a Narrative of her Voyage on the East Coast of New Holland in the Year 1770
  • 1997, Henry Petroski ,  Remaking the World: Adventures in Engineering
  • 1997, Robert Pool ,  Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology
  • 1997, G. Salvendy ,  Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics
  • 1997, D.E. Stokes ,  Pasteur's Quadrant. Basic Science and Technological Innovation
  • 1997, Edward R. Tufte ,  Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative
  • 1997, D.L. Turcotte ,  Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics
  • 1998, Salvatore Abate ,  Esercitazioni di meteorologia
  • 1998, R. C. Arkin ,  Behavior-Based Robotics
  • 1998, D.R. Askeland ,  The Science and Engineering of Materials
  • 1998, H. Beyer ,  Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Systems
  • 1998, F.A. Dahlen ,  Theoretical Global Seismology
  • 1998, Robbie Davis-Floyd ,  Cyborg Babies. From Techno-Sex to Techno-Tots
  • 1998, Jacques Ellul ,  Le Bluff technologique
  • 1998, Giorgio Israel ,  Il giardino dei noci
  • 1998, David Kortenkamp ,  Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots
  • 1998, J.P. Mather ,  Introduction to Cell and Tissue Culture. Theory and Technique
  • 1998, Michela Nacci ,  Pensare la tecnica
  • 1998, Donald A. Norman Il computer invisibile
  • 1998, Vittorio Possenti ,  La tecnica. La vita. I dilemmi dell'azione
  • 1998, Arturo Sangalli L'importanza di essere fuzzy
  • 1998, B. Shneiderman ,  Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
  • 1998, Jan Tschichold ,  The New Typography. A Handbook for Modern Designers
  • 1998, M. Twyman ,  Printing 1770-1970. An Illustrated History of Its Development and Uses in England
  • 1998, J. Wagensberg ,  Ideas para la imaginación impura: 53 reflexiones en su propria sustancia
  • 1999, Stewart Brand ,  The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsability, the Idea Behind the World's Slowest Computer
  • 1999, Andrea Branzi ,  Introduzione al design italiano
  • 1999, Massimo Centini ,  La sindrome di Prometeo. L'uomo crea l'uomo: dalla mitologia alle biotecnologie
  • 1999, Peter Checkland ,  Systems Thinking, Systems Practice
  • 1999, Medardo Chiapponi ,  Cultura sociale del prodotto
  • 1999, Denis E. Cosgrove ,  Mappings
  • 1999, M. Crang ,  Virtual Geographies: Bodies, Space and Relations
  • 1999, Michele Dragoni ,  Sismologia
  • 1999, George Dyson ,  L'evoluzione delle macchine. Da Darwin all'intelligenza globale
  • 1999, T.J. Fu ,  Plant Cell and Tissue Culture for the Production of Food Ingredients
  • 1999, Umberto Galimberti ,  Psiche e techne. L'uomo nell'età della tecnica
  • 1999, A. Garassino ,  Natura & tecnica
  • 1999, T.L. Hankins ,  Instruments and the Imagination
  • 1999, J. M. Joyce ,  The Foundations of Causal Decision Theory
  • 1999, Jeffery Edward Malpas ,  Place and Experience: A Philosophical Topography
  • 1999, Hans P. Moravec ,  Robot. Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind
  • 1999, Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico OECD-OCSE ,  Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 1999
  • 1999, Henry Petroski ,  The Book on the Bookshelf
  • 1999, Richard Rhodes ,  Visions of Technology: A Century of Vital Debate about Machines, Systems, and the Human World
  • 1999, E. Rovida ,  Dallo scalpello al mouse. Evoluzione e storia del disegno tecnico
  • 1999, Vincenzo Tagliasco Dizionario degli esseri umani fantastici e artificiali
  • 1999, D. Watts ,  Small World: The Dynamics of Networks Between Order and Randomness
  • 1999, M.A. White ,  Properties of Materials
  • 1999, L. Wilkinson ,  The Grammar of Graphics