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storia della scienza: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1994-1995

  • 1994, AA. VV. AA.VV. ,  Le guide de la science en France
  • 1994, Enrico Bellone ,  Spazio e tempo nella nuova scienza
  • 1994, R.A. Blondeau ,  Gérard Mercator et la géographie dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux (16' siècle)
  • 1994, Alistair C. Crombie ,  Styles of scientific thinking in the European tradition [3 voll.]
  • 1994, Charles Robert Darwin L'evoluzione
  • 1994, J. Dhombres ,  Desargues en Son Temps
  • 1994, W. Eamon ,  Science and the Secrets of Nature: Books of Secrets in Medieval and Early Modern Culture
  • 1994, Alberto Gambalunga Fisica rara
  • 1994, S. L. Glashow ,  From Alchemy to Quarks: The Study of Physics as a Liberal Art
  • 1994, Micheline Grenet ,  La Passion des Astres au XVIIe siecle
  • 1994, Kendall F. Haven ,  Marvels of Science: 50 Fascinating 5-Minute Reads
  • 1994, Walter Höflechner ,  Ludwig Boltzmann: Leben und Briefe
  • 1994, E.C. Krupp ,  Echoes of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations
  • 1994, F. Maiello ,  Storia del calendario. La misurazione del tempo, 1450-1800
  • 1994, M. Mamiani ,  La scienza esatta delle profezie
  • 1994, John David North ,  The Fontana History of Astronomy and Cosmology
  • 1994, John David North ,  The Norton History of Astronomy and Cosmology
  • 1994, M. J. Osler ,  Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy: Gassendi and Descartes on Contingency and Necessity in the Created World
  • 1994, D. Rosen ,  London Science. Museums, Libraries, and Places of Scientific, Technological and Medical Interest
  • 1994, S.S. Schweber ,  Qed and the men who made it: Dyson, Feynman, Schwinger e Tomonaga
  • 1994, Steven Shapin ,  A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth' Century England
  • 1994, John Sinkakas ,  Humboldt's Travels in Siberia, 1837—1842: The Gemstones by Gustav Rose
  • 1994, Jonathan Weiner ,  The Beak of the Finch: Story of Evolution in Our Time
  • 1995, K. Brodersen ,  Terra Cognita: Studien zur römischen Raumerfassung
  • 1995, Janet Browne ,  Charles Darwin: Voyaging
  • 1995, Marie Sklodowska Curie ,  Marie Curie. Una vita [aut. Susan Quinn]
  • 1995, Charles Robert Darwin ,  Charles Darwin: Voyaging [aut. Janet Browne]
  • 1995, Dieter Flamm ,  Hochgeehrter Herr Professor! Innig geliebter Louis! Ludwig Boltzmann, Henriette von Aigentler Briefwechsel
  • 1995, Pietro Greco ,  Hiroshima. La fisica conosce il peccato
  • 1995, M. Gullen ,  Five Equations That Changed the World
  • 1995, G.J. Holmann ,  The Early History of Data Networks
  • 1995, N. Jardine ,  The Cultures of Natural History
  • 1995, Evelyn Fox Keller Vita, scienza & cyberscienza
  • 1995, Ted Lister ,  Classic Chemistry Demonstrations
  • 1995, M. Panza ,  Geometria, flussioni e differenziali. Tradizione e innovazione nella matematica del Seicento
  • 1995, Susan Quinn ,  Marie Curie. Una vita
  • 1995, Paolo Quintili ,  Arti, scienze e lavoro nell'età dell'Illuminismo
  • 1995, Clelia Sarnelli Cerqua ,  La civiltà islamica e le scienze
  • 1995, Emilio Segrè ,  Autobiografia di un fisico
  • 1995, Michel Serres ,  A History of Scientific Thought, Elements of a History of Science
  • 1995, Dennis Shasha ,  Out of Their Minds
  • 1995, René Taton ,  Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the Rise of Astrophysics, II. B: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
  • 1995, Margaret Wertheim I pantaloni di Pitagora