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storia: America: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1970-1979

  • 1970, Thorkild Hansen Le isole degli schiavi
  • 1970, Studs Terkel ,  Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression
  • 1970, J.E. Thompson ,  La civiltà maya
  • 1971, Eduardo Galeano Le vene aperte dell'America Latina
  • 1971, John Gerassi ,  The Great Fear in Latin America
  • 1971, Carroll L. Riley ,  Man across the Sea. Problems of Pre-Columbian Contacts
  • 1972, Alfred W. Crosby ,  The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492
  • 1972, M.J. Harner ,  The Jívaro. People of the Sacred Waterfalls
  • 1972, John Tebbel ,  A History of Book Publishing in the United States, vol. 1, The Creation of an Industry, 1630-1865
  • 1974, Manuel Castells ,  Clase, Estado y marginalidad urbana
  • 1974, S. Munro Edmonson ,  Sixteenth-Century Mexico: The Work of Sahagún
  • 1974, Jacques Lafaye ,  Quetzalcoatl et Guadalupe: la formation de la conscience nationale au Mexíque (1531-1813)
  • 1974, Douglass C. North ,  Growth and Welfare in the American Past
  • 1975, Ryszard Kapuscinski Cristo con il fucile in spalla
  • 1976, Rodolfo Acuña ,  América Ocupada
  • 1976, Thomas McCann ,  An American Company: The Tragedy of United Fruit
  • 1977, Bruce Chatwin In Patagonia
  • 1977, Kenneth Duncan ,  Land and Labour in Latin America
  • 1977, Walter Licht ,  Nineteenth-century American Railwaymen. A Study in the Nature and Organization of Work
  • 1977, David McCullough ,  The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal
  • 1978, David P. Werlich ,  Peru: A Short History
  • 1979, Thomas Cabot ,  Beggar on Horseback
  • 1979, William B. Taylor ,  Drinking, Homicide and Rebellion in Colonial Mexican Villages