Peter Gay: opere
- 1964 The Party of Humanity, Knopf, New York, [rif.]
- 1966 The Enlightenment: An Interpretation, Knopf, New York, [rif.]
- 1984 The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud [5 voll.] [1984-1998], Norton, New York, [rif.]
- 1993 The Cultivation of Hatred, W. W. Norton, New York, [rif.]
- 1997 La culture de la haine. Hypocrisies et fantasmes de la bourgeoise de Victoria à Freud, Plon, [rif.]
- 2002 Il secolo inquieto. La formazione della cultura borghese (1815-1914), Carocci, Roma, [rif.]