Donald R. Griffin: opere
- 1958 Echoes of Bats and Men, Anchor Books, Doubleday, [rif.] [rif.1]
- Guidandosi con l'eco, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1962
- 1958 Listening in the dark: the acoustic orientation of bats and men, Yale University Press, New Haven, [rif.]
- 1963 Guidandosi con l'eco. Il radar dal pipistrello all'uomo, Zanichelli, [rif.]
- 1976 The question of animal awareness: Evolutionary Continuity of Mental Experience, Rockefeller University Press, New York, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2]
- L'animale consapevole, Boringhieri, Torino, 1979
- 1984 Animal thinking, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, [rif.]
- 1984 Cosa pensano gli animali, Laterza, [rif.] [rif.1]
- 1991 Cognitive Ethology. The Minds of Other Animals. Essays in Honor of Donald R. Griffin, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2]
- a cura di: Carolyn A. Ristau
- 1994 Animal Minds, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, [rif.] [rif.1]
- Menti animali, Bollati Boringhieri, 1999