Ada Lovelace: opere
- 1815 Nasce il 10 dicembre a Londra. Nata Augusta Ada Byron. Contessa di Lovelace.
- 1835 Sposa William King, conte di Lovelace.
- 1843 Calculus of the Nervous System [progetto]
- 1843 Commenti su "Notions sur la machine analytique de Charles Babbage" di L.F. Menabrea, [rif.]
- in: Scientific Memoirs, 3
- 1852 Muore il 27 novembre a Londra.
- 1953 Faster than Thought [aut. Bertram V. Bowden], [rif.]
- 1961 Notes upon the Memoir "Sketch of the Analytical Engine Invented by Charles Babbage", Dover, New York, [rif.]
- in: P. Morrison, E. Morrison (eds.), Charles Babbage and His Calculting Engines
- 2015 Il computer dimenticato. Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace e la ricerca della macchina perfetta [aut. Silvio Hénin], Ulrico Hoepli, Milano, [rif.]
- 2016 The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Computer [aut. S. Padua], Penguin, Londra, [rif.]
- 2019 Ada Lovelace: A Life from Beginning to End [aut. History Hourly], [rif.]