Angus Maddison: opere
- 1982 Phases of Capitalist Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2]
- Le fasi di sviluppo del capitalismo, Giuffrè, Milano, 1987
- 1989 The world economy in the twentieth century, OECD, Parigi, [rif.]
- 1991 Dynamic Forces in Capitalist Development, O.U.P., Oxford
- 1995 Monitoring the World Economy, 1820-1992, Oecd, Paris, [rif.]
- 2001 The World Economy. A Millennial Perspective, OECD Development Centre, [rif.]
- 2003 The World Economy. Historical Statistics, OECD, Paris, [rif.]
- 2005 Growth and Interaction in the World Economy: The Roots of Modernity, AEI Press, Washington, DC, [rif.]
- 2007 Contours of the World Economy, 1-2030 AD: Essays in Macro-Economic History, Oxford University Press, Oxford, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2] [rif.3]
- L'economia mondiale dall'anno 1 al 2030: un profilo quantitativo e macroeconomico, Pantarei, Milano, 2008