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matematica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1986-1987

  • 1986, S. Albeverio ,  Nonstandard Methods in Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics
  • 1986, John L. Casti ,  On System Complexity. Identification, Measurement and Management
  • 1986, J.W. de Bakker ,  Mathematics and Computer Science
  • 1986, Max Delbrück La materia e la mente
  • 1986, John Fisher ,  La magia di Lewis Carroll
  • 1986, Martin Gardner ,  Enigmi da altri mondi
  • 1986, Kurt Gödel ,  Collected Works [5 voll.] [1986-2002]
  • 1986, R.W. Hamming ,  Numerical Methods far Scientists and Engineers
  • 1986, A.V. Holden ,  A Graphical Zoo of Strange and Peculiar Attractors
  • 1986, Giorgio Israel Modelli matematici
  • 1986, L. Lovász ,  Algorithmic Aspects of Some Notions in Classical Mathematics
  • 1986, Saunders Mac Lane ,  Mathematics. Form and Function
  • 1986, Benoît B. Mandelbrot ,  La bellezza dei frattali. Immagini di sistemi dinamici complessi
  • 1986, Heinz-Otto Peitgen ,  La bellezza dei frattali
  • 1986, N. Pintacuda ,  Algoritmi elementari
  • 1986, J. C. Pont ,  L'aventure des parallčles. Historie de la géométrie non euclidienne: précurseurs et attardés
  • 1986, M. Rasetti ,  Modern Methods in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
  • 1986, E.S. Roberts ,  Thinking Recursively
  • 1986, R. Serra ,  Tra ordine e caos
  • 1986, Pierre Soury ,  Chaînes et noeuds
  • 1986, Michael-Marcus Toepell ,  Über die Entstehung von David Hilberts "Grundlagen der Geometrie"
  • 1987, Giuseppe Arcidiacono ,  Numeri e forme
  • 1987, Vladimir I. Arnol'd ,  Dynamical Systems; III, Mathematical Aspects of Classical and Celestial Mechanics
  • 1987, E. Beltrami ,  Mathematics far Dynamic Modelling
  • 1987, Hans Blumenberg ,  Il riso della donna di Tracia. Una preistoria della teoria
  • 1987, John L. Casti ,  Alternate Realities. Mathematical Models of Nature and Man
  • 1987, Gregory Chaitin ,  Algorithmic Information Theory
  • 1987, Jean Dieudonné ,  L'arte del numeri
  • 1987, Jean Dieudonné ,  Pour l'honneur de l esprit humain. Les mathématiques aujourd'hui
  • 1987, J. V. Field ,  The Geometrical Work of Girard Desargues
  • 1987, D.H. Fowler ,  The Mathematics of Plato's Academy
  • 1987, George K. Francis ,  A Topological Picturebook
  • 1987, Martin Gardner ,  Ah! Ci sono! Paradossi stimolanti e divertenti
  • 1987, P. Gibbins ,  Particles and Paradoxes: The Limits of Quantum Logic
  • 1987, James Gleick ,  Caos. La nascita di una nuova scienza
  • 1987, A.V. Goncharsky ,  Ill-Posed Problems and Their Solution Methods
  • 1987, Louise S. Grinstein ,  Women of Mathematics
  • 1987, Branko Grünbaum ,  Tilings and Patterns
  • 1987, Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie ,  The Pythagorean Sourcebook
  • 1987, Bart Kosko ,  Foundations of Fuzzy Estimation Theory
  • 1987, L. Krüger ,  The Probabilistic Revolution
  • 1987, Brian Rothman ,  Signifying Nothing. The Semiotics of Zero
  • 1987, Rudy Rucker ,  Mind Tools: The 5 Levels of Mathematical Reality
  • 1987, Peter Simons ,  Parts. A Study in Ontology
  • 1987, Ian Nicholas Stewart ,  The Problems of Mathematics
  • 1987, A. N. Tikhonov ,  Ill-Posed Problems in the Natural Sciences