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matematica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1984-1985

  • 1984, Steven J. Brams ,  Superior Beings: If They Exist, How would We Know? Game-theoretic Implications of Omniscience, Omnipotence, Immortality and Incomprehensibility
  • 1984, R. Cooke ,  The Mathematics of Sonya Kovalevskaya
  • 1984, Franz Carl Endres Dizionario dei numeri
  • 1984, Martin Gardner ,  L'Universo ambidestro
  • 1984, Michael Hallett ,  Cantorian Set Theory and Limitation of Size
  • 1984, A.V. Holden ,  Nonlinear Scientific Theory and Applications
  • 1984, F.C. Holroyd ,  Geometrical Combinatorics
  • 1984, Roger Penrose ,  Pentaplexity
  • 1984, Ilya Prigogine ,  Order out of Chaos
  • 1984, Rudy Rucker ,  La quarta dimensione. Un viaggio guidato negli universi di ordine superiore
  • 1984, Wesley C. Salmon ,  Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World
  • 1984, Annemarie Schimmel Dizionario dei numeri
  • 1984, M.R. Schroeder ,  Number Theory in Science and Communication
  • 1984, H. G. Schuster ,  Deterministic Chaos. An Introduction
  • 1984, Isabelle Stengers ,  Order out of Chaos
  • 1984, G. Vaccaro ,  Esercizi e complementi di geometria
  • 1984, G. Vaccaro ,  Lezioni di geometria
  • 1984, A. Wolf ,  Quantifying Chaos with Lyapunov Exponents
  • 1985, Donald J. Albers ,  Mathematical People
  • 1985, D.M. Burton ,  The History of Mathematics
  • 1985, J.N. Crossley ,  Che cosa è la logica matematica?
  • 1985, Bruno de Finetti ,  La logica dell'incerto
  • 1985, D. Dendrinos ,  Urban Evolution. Studies in the Mathematical Ecology of Cities
  • 1985, Ya.S. Dubnov ,  Errori nelle dimostrazioni in geometria
  • 1985, Ivar Ekeland ,  Il calcolo e l'imprevisto. Il concetto di tempo da Keplero a Thom
  • 1985, K.J. Falconer ,  The Geometry of Fractal Sets
  • 1985, G. Flegg ,  Numbers: Their Hystory and Meaning
  • 1985, P.R. Halmos ,  I Want To Be A Mathematician
  • 1985, Stefan Hildebrandt ,  Mathematics and Optimal Form
  • 1985, Ross Honsberger ,  Mathematical Gems III
  • 1985, G. Ifrah ,  From One to Zero. A Universal History of Numbers
  • 1985, G. Ifrah ,  Storia universale dei numeri
  • 1985, Serge Lang ,  Algebra lineare
  • 1985, Serge Lang ,  La bellezza della matematica
  • 1985, G. Leonardi ,  Equivalenza asintotica tra la teoria delle utilità casuali e la massimizzazione dell'entropia
  • 1985, P. Nijkamp ,  Measuring the Unmeasurable. Analysis of Qualitative Spatial Data
  • 1985, Alexander Ostrowski ,  Collected Mathematical Papers
  • 1985, William Poundstone ,  The Recursive Universe: Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge
  • 1985, Andrea Sgarro Crittografia
  • 1985, H.L. Swinney ,  Observations of Complex Dynamics and Chaos
  • 1985, Paolo Toni Scintille matematiche
  • 1985, S.B. Treiman ,  Current Algebra and Anomalies
  • 1985, Charles Trigg ,  Mathematical Quickies