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viaggi: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1850-1899

  • 1850, Anonimo ,  Il cammino di un pellegrino
  • 1850, Robert Curzon ,  Visits to Monasteries of the Levant
  • 1850, Gerard de Nerval ,  Viaggio in Oriente
  • 1850, William Wordsworth ,  Il preludio
  • 1851, Herman Melville ,  Moby Dick o la Balena
  • 1851, Henry David Thoreau ,  Camminare
  • 1854, Léonie D'Aunet Oltre Capo Nord. Viaggio di una donna allo Spitzberg
  • 1856, Richard Francis Burton ,  First Footsteps in East Africa
  • 1856, Charles-Alexis-Maurice Clérel de Tocqueville La rivoluzione democratica in Francia
  • 1857, Charles Baudelaire ,  Il viaggiatore
  • 1857, Friedrich Max Müller ,  Buddhism and Buddhist Pilgrims: a Review of M. Stanislas Julien's "Voyages des pèlerins bouddhistes"
  • 1860, Charles Robert Darwin ,  A Naturalist’s Voyage round the World
  • 1861, Charles Baudelaire ,  I paradisi artificiali
  • 1861, Frederic Edwin Church ,  After Icebergs with a Painter [aut. Louis Legrand Noble]
  • 1861, Paul Belloni Du Chaillu ,  Explorations and adventures in Equatorial Africa. With accounts of the manners and customs of the people, and of the chace of the Gorilla, Crocodile, Leopard, Elephant, Hippopotamus, and other animals
  • 1861, Louis Legrand Noble ,  After Icebergs with a Painter
  • 1861, Bernhard Wüllerstorf-Urbair ,  Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde, in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 18S9
  • 1862, George Charles Wallich ,  The North-Atlantic Sea-bed: comprising a Diary of the Voyage on board H.M.S. Bulldog, in 1860
  • 1863, Paul Belloni Du Chaillu ,  Voyages et Aventures dans l'Afrique Equatoriale
  • 1864, Richard Francis Burton ,  A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahomé
  • 1864, John Hanning Speke Viaggio alle sorgenti del Nilo
  • 1865, Richard Francis Burton ,  The Guide-Book. A Pictorial Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina
  • 1865, Lewis Carroll ,  Alice nel Paese delle meraviglie e Dietro lo specchio
  • 1865, Simone Sigoli ,  I Viaggi in Terrasanta di Simone Sigoli fiorentino e ser Mariano da Siena
  • 1865, Orélie-Antoine de Tounens ,  San avènement au trone et sa captivité au Chili
  • 1866, Hippolyte-Adolphe Taine ,  Voyage en Italie
  • 1866, Mark Twain Lettere dalle Hawaii
  • 1867, Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied ,  Reise in das Innere Nord-Amerikas [5 voll.]
  • 1867, Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied ,  Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Amérique du Nord
  • 1868, Hernan Cortés ,  The Fifth Letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V: Containing an Account of his Expedition to Honduras
  • 1869, Mark Twain ,  Gli innocenti all'estero
  • 1871, Nathaniel Hawthorne ,  Passages from French and Italian Note-Books
  • 1872, Richard Francis Burton ,  Zanzibar. City, Island and Coast
  • 1872, Francis Galton ,  L'arte del viaggiare
  • 1872, George M. Grant ,  Ocean to Ocean, Sandlord Fleming's Expedition Through Canada in 1872
  • 1872, Mark Twain ,  Vita dura
  • 1873, Edmondo De Amicis ,  Spagna
  • 1873, Pierre Loti ,  Le roman d'un spahi
  • 1873, Jules Verne ,  Il giro del mondo in 80 Giorni
  • 1874, Charles Wyville Thomson ,  The Depths of the Sea. An Account of the General Results of the Dredging Cruises of H.M.SS. 'Porcupine' and 'Lightning' during the summers of 1868, 1869, and 1870
  • 1875, Henry James ,  Schizzi transatlantici
  • 1876, Richard Francis Burton ,  Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • 1876, George Campbell ,  Log letters from "The Challenger"
  • 1876, Julius Payer ,  New Lands within the Arctic Circle
  • 1876, Robert Louis Stevenson ,  Viaggio nelle Cévennes in compagnia di un asino
  • 1876, Robert Louis Stevenson ,  Walking Tours
  • 1877, William James Joseph Spry ,  The Cruise of the "Challenger". Voyages over many Seas, Scenes in many Lands
  • 1878, Hector Berlioz ,  Mémoires de H. Berlioz, comprenant ses voyages en Italie, en Allemagne, en Russie et en Angleterre 1803-1865
  • 1878, Robert Louis Stevenson ,  Un viaggio nell'entroterra
  • 1878, Charles Wyville Thomson ,  The Voyage of the "Challenger". The Atlantic. A Preliminary Account of the General Results of the Exploring Voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger" during the year 1873 and the early part of the year 1876
  • 1879, AA. VV. AA.VV. ,  L'Europa pittoresca
  • 1879, Edmondo De Amicis ,  Ricordi di Parigi
  • 1879, Henry James ,  Ritratto di signora
  • 1879, Robert Louis Stevenson ,  Viaggio a dorso d'asino nelle Cevenne
  • 1880, Annie Brassey ,  A Voyage in the "Sunbeam"
  • 1880, Carlo Collodi ,  Le avventure di Pinocchio. Storia di un burattino
  • 1881, Charles Wyville Thomson ,  Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1872-76
  • 1882, Pierre Loti ,  Fleurs d'ennui
  • 1883, Pierre Loti ,  Mon frére Yves
  • 1883, Robert Louis Stevenson ,  L'isola del tesoro
  • 1883, Mark Twain ,  Vita sul Mississippi
  • 1884, Joris-Karl Huysmans ,  Controcorrente
  • 1884, Bènèdict H. Revoil ,  Aventures Extraordinaires sur Terre et sur Mer
  • 1884, Mark Twain ,  Le avventure di Huckleberry Finn
  • 1885, Annie Brassey ,  In the Trades, the Tropici, the Roaring Forties
  • 1885, Henri Filhol ,  La vie au fond des mers. Les explorations sous marines et les voyages du Travailleur et du Talisman
  • 1885, G.B. Licata ,  Assab e i Danàchili
  • 1885, Jack London ,  Preparare un fuoco
  • 1885, Pierre Loti ,  Madame Chrysanthème
  • 1886, Fâ-Hsien ,  A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, being an Account by the Chinese Monk Fâ-Hien of His Travels in India and Ceylon - A.D. 399-414
  • 1886, Pierre Loti ,  Pescatori d'Islanda
  • 1887, Léopold de Folin ,  Sous les mers. Campagnes d'explorations du "Travailleur" et du "Talisman"
  • 1888, Charles M. Doughty ,  Travels in Arabia Deserta
  • 1888, Alphonse Milne-Edwards ,  Expéditions scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman pendant les années 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883
  • 1889, Annie Brassey ,  The Last Voyage, to India and Australia, in the "Sunbeam" , Longmans, Green, and Co., Londra
  • 1889, Jerome Klapka Jerome ,  Tre uomini in barca (per tacer del cane)
  • 1889, Pierre Loti ,  Japoneries d'automne
  • 1889, Th. Trede ,  Das Heidentum in der römischen Kirche: Bilder aus dem religiösen und sittlichen Leben Süditaliens [4 voll. 1889-1891]
  • 1890, Pierre Loti ,  Au Maroc
  • 1890, Mark Twain ,  Following the Equator
  • 1891, Edmond Perrier ,  Les Explorations sous-marines
  • 1892, Henry Nottidge Moseley ,  Notes by a Naturalist. An Account of Observations made during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger» round the World in the years 1872-1876
  • 1893, Richard Francis Burton ,  Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • 1893, William Henry Hudson ,  Idle Days in Patagonia
  • 1893, E.J. Payne ,  Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America
  • 1893, Robert Louis Stevenson ,  I trattenimenti delle notti dell'isola
  • 1894, John Jacob Astor ,  A Journey in Other Worlds
  • 1894, Charles F. Lummis ,  Vagabondo attraverso il continente
  • 1895, Pierre Loti Il deserto
  • 1895, Pierre Loti ,  Jerusalem
  • 1895, Pierre Loti ,  La Galilée
  • 1896, Joseph Dalton Hooker ,  Journal of the Right Ho Sir Joseph Banks Bart., K.B., P.R.S. During Captain Cook's First Voyage in HMS Endeavour in 1768-71 to Terra Del Fuego, Otahite, New Zealand, Australia, the Dutch East Indies, Etc.
  • 1896, Robert Louis Stevenson Nei mari del Sud
  • 1897, Joseph Rudyard Kipling ,  Capitani coraggiosi
  • 1897, Fridtjof Nansen ,  Fra ghiacci e tenebre: la spedizione polare norvegese 1893-1896
  • 1897, Mark Twain ,  Seguendo l'equatore
  • 1898, Roald E.G. Amundsen ,  The North-West Passage
  • 1899, L. Robecchi Bricchetti ,  Somalia e Benadir: viaggio di esplorazione nell'Africa orientale. Prima traversata della Somalia, compiuta per incarico della Società geografica italiana
  • 1899, Joshua Slocum ,  Solo, intorno al mondo e viaggio della Libertade