Herman Melville: opere
- 1819 Nasce il 1° agosto a New York.
- 1846 Typee, [rif.]
- 1847 Omoo
- 1849 Mardi, and a Voyage Thither
- 1849 Redburn
- 1850 White jacket, [rif.]
- Giacchetta bianca o del mondo di una nave da guerra, Sansoni, Firenze, 1971
- 1851 Moby Dick; or, The Whale
- 1851 Moby-Dick, Adelphi
- 1851 Moby Dick [rif.1:], [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2] [rif.3] [rif.4] [rif.5] [rif.6] [rif.7] [rif.8] [rif.9]
- 1851 Moby Dick [rif.2:], [rif.]
- 1851 Moby Dick; or, The Whale, Harper, New York
- Moby Dick o la Balena, Frassinelli, Torino, 1932
- 1851 The Whale; or, Moby Dick, Bentley, London, 3 voll.
- 1852 Pierre or the ambiguities
- 1853 Bartleby, Mondadori, Milano, [rif.] [rif.1]
- 1853 Barttleby the Scrivener. A Story of Wall Street, [rif.] [rif.1]
- 1854 Le Encantadas o Isole Incantate, Manni, 2010, [rif.]
- 1855 Benito Cereno, [rif.]
- Benito Cereno, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2008
- 1855 Israel Potter
- 1856 The Confidence-Man
- 1856 The Piazza Tales, Dix, Edwards & Co., New York, [rif.]
- 1857 The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade
- 1866 Battel Pieces and Aspects of the War, Harper, New York
- 1876 Clarel: A Poem and a Pilgrimage in the Holy Land [2 voll.], Putman, New York
- 1888 John Marr & Other Sailors, With Some Sea-Pieces, De Vinne, New York, [rif.]
- 1891 Muore il 28 settembre a New York.
- 1891 Timoleon, Etc., Caxton, New York
- 1921 Herman Melville, Mariner and Mystic [aut. R.M. Weaver], New York, [rif.]
- 1922 The Works of Herman Melville, London, 16 voll., 1922-24
- a cura di: Raymond M. Weaver
- 1924 Billy Budd, Sailor, Constable, London, [rif.]
- La storia di Billy Budd, Bompiani, Milano, 1942
- 1930 Moby Dick, BUR, [rif.]
- con: Rockwell Kent [illustrazioni]
- 1931 Typee, Torino
- a cura di: B. Pareto Magliano
- 1932 Moby Dick o la Balena, Torino
- 1940 Benito Cereno, Torino
- 1942 Billy Budd, Milano
- 1948 The Piazza Tales, London
- 1949 The Complete Stories of Herman Melville, London
- 1951 Herman Melville. A Biography [aut. C. Howard], Berkeley, [rif.]
- 1951 Melville's Early Life and Redburn [aut. W.H. Gilman], New York, [rif.]
- 1951 The Melville Log: A Documentary Life of Herman Melville 1819-1891 [aut. J. Leyda], New York, 2 voll., [rif.]
- 1953 Herman Melville: Cycle and Epicycle [aut. E. Melville Metcalf], Cambridge, Mass., [rif.]
- 1953 Moby Dick Centennial Essays, Dallas, [rif.]
- a cura di: T. Hillway, L.S. Mansfield
- 1956 The Raven and the Whale [aut. P. Miller], New York, [rif.]
- 1957 A Checklist of Melville Studies [aut. M.R. Stern], Urbana, [rif.]
- in: The Fine Hammered Steel of Herman Melville
- 1957 The Portable Herman Melville, London
- 1959 Melville Studies. A Tentative Bibliography [aut. N.E. Jarrand], New York, [rif.]
- 1960 The Letters of Herman Melville, New Haven
- a cura di: M.R. Davis, W.H. Gilman
- 1962 Billy Budd, Sailor. A Genetic Text, Univ. of Chicago Press
- a cura di: H. Hayford, M.M. Sealts
- 1962 Melville: A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., [rif.]
- 1966 Moby Dick, Milano
- 1967 Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Stories, Harmondsworth
- 1968 The Writings of Herman Melville, Berkeley, 15 voll., 1968-81
- a cura di: H. Hayford, H. Parker, G.T. Tanselle
- 1970 Moby Dick as Doubloon [aut. H. Parker, H. Hayford], New York 1970, [rif.]
- 1971 Melville and His World [aut. G.W. Allen], New York, [rif.]
- 1972 Critics on Melville, Coral Gables, Fla., [rif.]
- 1972 L'uomo di fiducia, Mondadori, [rif.]
- 1972 Lettere, Mondadori, [rif.]
- 1972 Moby Dick, Harmondsworth
- 1972 Opere scelte, Milano, 2 voll., 1972-75, [rif.]
- 1974 Melville: The Critical Heritage, Contemporary Reviews 1846-1892, London, [rif.]
- 1975 Melville [aut. E.H. Miller], New York, [rif.]
- 1977 Twentieth Century Interpretations of Moby Dick, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., [rif.]
- 1978 New Perspectives on Melville, Edinburgh
- 1979 Herman Melville: An Annotated Bibliography: I, 1846-1930 [aut. B. Higgins], Boston, [rif.]
- 1981 Herman Melville and the Critics: A Checklist of Criticism, 1900-1978 [aut. J. Boswell], Metuchen, N.J., [rif.]
- 1983 Works, New York, 4 voll.
- 1984 Prima del viaggio: per una lettura di Moby Dick [aut. M. Corona], Bologna, [rif.]
- 1993 Bartleby. La formula della creazione [aut. Gilles Deleuze, Giorgio Agamben], Quodlibet, Macerata, [rif.]
- 1995 Poesie di guerra e di mare, Mondadori, Milano, [rif.]
- 2003 Moby-Dick; or, The Whale: Candlewick Illustrated Classic, Random House, New York, [rif.]