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paesi: Gran Bretagna: titoli (+riferimenti) : 2005-2009

  • 2005, P. Beale ,  England's Mail. Two Millennia of Letter Writing
  • 2005, Phil Rees A cena con i terroristi
  • 2005, B. Wilson ,  The City Walls and Castles of York. The Pictorial Evidente
  • 2006, Klaus Arnold ,  Cabinets for the Curious. Looking Back at Early English Museums
  • 2006, S. Bardsley ,  Venomous Tongues: Speech and Gender in Late Medieval England
  • 2006, Luca Bellocchio ,  Anglosfera. Forma e forza del nuovo Pan-Anglismo
  • 2006, Luca Bellocchio Irlanda del Nord
  • 2006, Luca Bellocchio ,  L'eterna alleanza? La "special relationship" angloamericana tra continuitą e mutamento
  • 2006, Arthur H. Cash ,  John Wilkes. The Scandalous Father of Civil Liberty
  • 2006, David Cressey ,  Literacy and the Social Order, Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England
  • 2006, Boyd Hilton ,  A Mad, Bad & Dangerous People? England 1783-1846
  • 2006, Jill Phillips Ingram ,  Idioms of Self-Interest Credit, Identity and Property in English Renaissance Literature
  • 2006, John Maynard Keynes Diavolo di un Keynes [aut. Alain Minc]
  • 2006, Ian Marchant Isole, incontri, pub, soprattutto pub
  • 2006, Alain Minc Diavolo di un Keynes
  • 2006, Fiona A. Montgomery ,  Women's Rights: Struggles and Feminism in Britain c. 1770-1970
  • 2006, Deborah M. Valenze ,  The Social life of Money in the English Past
  • 2006, Michelle Anne White ,  Henrietta Maria and the English Civil Wars
  • 2006, Stanley Wolpert ,  Shameful Flight. The Last Years of the British Empire in India
  • 2006, Chris Woolgar ,  The Senses in Medieval England
  • 2007, Robert Allen ,  Engels' Pause: A Pessimist's Guide to the British Industrial Revolution
  • 2007, Riccardo Capoferro Frontiere del racconto
  • 2007, Stuart Hall La cultura e il potere
  • 2007, Ernest P. Hannock ,  The Origin of the Welfare State in England and Germany, 1850-1914: Social Policies Compared
  • 2007, Graham Macklin ,  Very Deeply Dyed in Black: Sir Oswald Mosley and the Resurrection of British Fascism after 1945
  • 2007, Miguel Mellino La cultura e il potere
  • 2008, Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll nel paese dei numeri [aut. Robin Wilson]
  • 2008, Cyndia Susan Clegg ,  Press Censorship in Caroline England
  • 2008, George Combe ,  Queen Victoria's Skull. George Combe and the Mid-Victorian Mind [aut. D. Stack]
  • 2008, Charles Enderlin Attraverso il ferro e il fuoco
  • 2008, George Martin L'estate di Sgt. Pepper
  • 2008, Roger Parkinson ,  The Late Yictorian Navy
  • 2008, D. Stack ,  Queen Victoria's Skull. George Combe and the Mid-Victorian Mind
  • 2008, M. Taylor ,  The Association Game. A History of British Football
  • 2008, Robin Wilson Lewis Carroll nel paese dei numeri
  • 2009, Sascha Auerbach ,  Race, Law, and "The Chinese Puzzle" in Imperial Britain
  • 2009, Mavis Batey ,  Dilly: The Man Who Broke Enigmas
  • 2009, Thomas ,  Cartismo
  • 2009, Peter M. Harman ,  The Culture of Nature in Britain, 1680-1860
  • 2009, Joel Mokyr ,  The Enlightened Economy
  • 2009, Mike Parker ,  Map Addict: A Tale of Obsession, Fudge & The Ordnance Survey
  • 2009, Paul Stewart ,  We Sell Our Time No More: Workers' Struggles Against Lean Production in the British Car Industry
  • 2009, Susan E. Whyman ,  The Pen and the People. English Letter Writers 1660-1800