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scienze tecniche: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1980-1989

  • 1980, K. Aki ,  Quantitative Seismology, Theory and Methods [2 voll.]
  • 1980, P.R. Bevington ,  Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences
  • 1980, D.I. Blockley ,  The Nature of Structural Design and Safety
  • 1980, Patrice Flichy ,  L'innovazione tecnologica. Le teorie dell'innovazione di fronte alla rivoluzione digitale
  • 1980, Adrian Frutiger ,  Type Sign Symbol
  • 1980, Allan Haley ,  Phototypography
  • 1980, John Heskett ,  Industrial design
  • 1980, K. Lambeck ,  The Earth's variable rotation
  • 1980, Ronald Vere Tooley ,  The Mapping of America
  • 1980, Patricia S. Warrick ,  Il romanzo del futuro. Computer e robot nella narrativa di fantascienza
  • 1980, Joyce Irene Whalley ,  The Universal Penman
  • 1981, Ferdinand P. Beer Meccanica dei solidi
  • 1981, A. Ben-Menahem ,  Seismic Waves and Sources
  • 1981, Edoardo Benvenuto La scienza delle costruzioni e il suo sviluppo storico
  • 1981, Virginio Bettini ,  Siti impossibili
  • 1981, A. De Luca ,  Introduzione alla Cibernetica
  • 1981, K. Kasahara ,  Earthquake Mechanics
  • 1981, John McPhee ,  Basin and Range
  • 1981, A.C. Walker ,  Study and Analysis of the First 120 Failure Cases
  • 1981, Silvano Zorzi ,  Silvano Zorzi: ponti e viadotti
  • 1982, C. A. Brebbia ,  Finite Element Systems
  • 1982, C.W. Condit ,  American Building: Materials and Techniques from the First Colonial Settlements to the Present
  • 1982, George F. Kennan ,  The Nuclear Delusion
  • 1982, Nathan Rosenberg ,  Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics
  • 1982, Ch. Small ,  The Printed Word, an Instrument of Popularity
  • 1982, Herbert Spencer ,  Pioneers of modern typography
  • 1982, D.L. Turcotte ,  Geodynamics, Applications of Continuum Physics to Geological Problems
  • 1982, E.H. Weiss ,  The Writing System for Engineers and Scientists
  • 1983, D.P. Billington ,  The Tower and the Bridge: The New Art of Structural Engineering
  • 1983, H. Casimir ,  Haphazard Reality: Half a Century of Science
  • 1983, Michael Fox ,  Genetic Engineering: Human and Environmental Concerns
  • 1983, David S. Landes ,  Storia del tempo: l'orologio e la nascita del mondo moderno
  • 1983, P. Melchior ,  The Tides of the Planet Earth
  • 1983, D.A. Schön ,  The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action
  • 1983, Edward R. Tufte ,  The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
  • 1983, Andrew M. Watson ,  Agricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic World: The Diffusion of Crops and Farming Techniques, 700-1100
  • 1984, Valentino Braitenberg ,  Veicoli pensanti. Saggio di psicologia sintetica
  • 1984, Marco Cianchi Le Macchine di Leonardo
  • 1984, J. Gordon Cook ,  Handbook of Textile Fibres: Natural Fibres
  • 1984, N. Cross ,  Developments in Design Methodology
  • 1984, Giorgio Fioravanti ,  Grafica & stampa
  • 1984, J.W. Fisher ,  Fatigue and Fracture in Steel Bridges: Case Studies
  • 1984, M. Grigoriu ,  Risk, Structural Engineering and Human Error
  • 1984, L. Hirschhorn ,  Oltre la meccanizzazione. Lavoro e apprendimento nei sistemi tecnologici complessi
  • 1984, E. Knoll ,  Modelling Gross Errors. Some Practical Considerations
  • 1984, F. Leonhardt ,  Bridges: Aesthetics and Design
  • 1984, R.E. Melchers ,  Human Error in Structural Reliability, vol. I: Investigation of Typical Design Tasks
  • 1984, R.E. Melchers ,  Human Error in Structural Reliability, vol. II: Review of Mathematical Models
  • 1984, S.S. Ross ,  Construction Disasters: Design Failures, Causes, and Prevention
  • 1984, M.I. Zeldman ,  What Every Engineer Should Know About Robots
  • 1985, Isaac Asimov ,  Robots. Machines in Man's Image
  • 1985, H. A. Averch ,  A Strategic Analysis of Science and Technology Policy
  • 1985, A. Failoni ,  La xilografia
  • 1985, R.W. Fox ,  Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
  • 1985, J.B.S. Haldane ,  Della misura giusta e altri saggi
  • 1985, Hans Jonas ,  Scienza, medicina ed etica. Prassi del principio responsabilità
  • 1985, Marvin L. Minsky ,  La robotica
  • 1985, A.S. Nowak ,  Classification of Human Errors
  • 1985, Henry Petroski ,  To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design
  • 1985, M. Sugeno ,  Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control
  • 1985, W. Wallis ,  Type Design. Developments 1970 to 1985
  • 1986, Salvatore Abate ,  Lezioni di meteorologia generale
  • 1986, Titus Burckhardt ,  Alchimia
  • 1986, Maurizio Calvesi ,  Arte e alchimia
  • 1986, K. Eric Drexler ,  Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
  • 1986, J. Fitchen ,  Building Construction before Mechanization
  • 1986, Grant Fjermedal ,  The Tomorrow Makers: A Brave New World of Living Brain Machines
  • 1986, Nicolete Gray ,  A History of Lettering
  • 1986, R.W. Hamming ,  Numerical Methods far Scientists and Engineers
  • 1986, A. Holgate ,  The Art in Structural Design: An Introduction and Sourcebook
  • 1986, E. Knoll ,  Checking Techniques
  • 1986, N.C. Lind ,  Control of Human Error in Structures
  • 1986, Andros Loizou ,  The Reality of Time
  • 1986, Marvin L. Minsky ,  La società della mente
  • 1986, A.S. Nowak ,  Modelling Human Error in Structural Design and Construction: Proceedings of a Workshop
  • 1986, Marcello Pera ,  La rana ambigua. La controversia sull'elettricità animale tra Galvani e Volta
  • 1986, Henry Petroski ,  Beyond Engineering: Essays and Other Attempts to Figure without Equations
  • 1986, Armando Petrucci ,  La scrittura. Ideologia e rappresentazione
  • 1986, Richard Rhodes ,  L'invenzione della bomba atomica
  • 1986, E.M. Rogers ,  Communication Technology. The New Media in Society
  • 1986, Terry Winograd ,  Understanding Computers and Cognition. A New Foundation for Design
  • 1987, Sebastian Carter ,  Twentieth century type designers
  • 1987, Jean Chevalier ,  Dizionario dei simboli
  • 1987, Stuart R. Hameroff ,  Ultimate Computing: Biomolecular Consciousness and Nanotechnology
  • 1987, Martin Kemp ,  Les inventions de la nature et la nature del'invention
  • 1987, John Lewis ,  The Twentieth Century Book
  • 1987, H. Mark ,  The Space Station: A Personal Journey
  • 1987, R.E. Melchers ,  Structural Reliability: Analysis and Prediction
  • 1987, G. Ovio ,  La scienza dei colori. Visione dei colori
  • 1987, Eiji Toyoda ,  Toyota: Fifty Years in Motion
  • 1987, Helen M. Wallis ,  Cartographical Innovations: An International Handbook of Mapping Terms to 1900
  • 1987, F. Williams ,  Technology and Communication Behavior
  • 1988, Salvatore Abate ,  Lezioni di oceanografia generale
  • 1988, C. Bazerman ,  Shaping Written Knowledge
  • 1988, Giovanni Dosi ,  Technical Change and Economic Theory
  • 1988, Freeman J. Dyson ,  Infinito in ogni direzione
  • 1988, N. FitzSimons ,  Bridge Failures: Errors Ignored
  • 1988, M.J. French ,  Invention and Evolution: Design in Nature and Engineering
  • 1988, Errol E. Harris ,  The Reality of Time
  • 1988, M. Helander ,  Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction
  • 1988, Leonardo da Vinci Le Macchine di Leonardo [aut. Marco Cianchi]
  • 1988, Hans P. Moravec ,  Mind Children. The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence
  • 1988, Donald A. Norman ,  La caffettiera del masochista. Psicopatologia degli oggetti quotidiani
  • 1988, Taiichi Ōno ,  Toyota Production System: Beyond Large Scale Production
  • 1988, Walter Tracy ,  The Typographic scene
  • 1988, J. Wang ,  Design-Dependent Knowledge for Structural Engineering Design
  • 1988, E. L. Wiener ,  Human Factors in Aviation
  • 1988, F. Williams ,  Research Methods and the New Media
  • 1989, A. Appleby ,  Fuel Cell Handbook
  • 1989, William R. Cotton ,  Storm and Cloud Dynamics
  • 1989, S. Shnaars ,  Megamistakes; Forecasting and the Myth of Rapid Technological Change
  • 1989, Sergio Vaccà ,  Scienza e tecnologia nell'economia delle imprese