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scienze cognitive: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1980-1989

  • 1980, B. Benelli ,  Forme di conoscenza prelinguistica e linguistica
  • 1980, Valentino Braitenberg ,  I tessuti intelligenti
  • 1980, Avram Noam Chomsky ,  Regole e rappresentazioni
  • 1980, Gaetano Kanizsa ,  Grammatica del vedere. Saggi su percezione e gestalt
  • 1980, Stephen M. Kosslyn ,  Image and Mind
  • 1980, Alberto Oliverio ,  Genetic and Environmental Factors in Relation to Behavioral Rigidity and Plasticity
  • 1980, John Roger Searle ,  Minds, Brains and Programs
  • 1980, Judson Chambers Webb ,  Mechanism, Mentalism, and Metamathematics: An Essay on Finitism
  • 1980, W. L. Witters ,  Human Sexuality: A Biological Perspective
  • 1981, David M. Armstrong ,  The Nature of Mind
  • 1981, Ned Block ,  Imagery
  • 1981, Manlio Brusatin ,  Visione
  • 1981, Daniel Clement Dennett L'io della mente
  • 1981, John Haugeland ,  Progettare la mente. Filosofia, psicologia, intelligenza artificiale
  • 1981, Douglas R. Hofstadter L'io della mente
  • 1981, Scott Kim ,  Inversions
  • 1981, David Marr ,  Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information
  • 1981, Herbert A. Simon ,  The Sciences of the Artificial
  • 1982, Gerald Maurice Edelman ,  The Mindful Brain: Cortical Organization and the Group-Selective Theory of Higher Brain Function
  • 1982, D. Foulkes ,  Children's Dreams: Longitudinal Studies
  • 1982, S. Grossberg ,  Studies of Mind and Brain
  • 1982, Erica Harth ,  Windows on the Mind
  • 1982, Friedrich August von Hayek ,  The Sensory Order after 25 Years
  • 1982, Ian Hodder ,  Symbolic and Structural Archaeology
  • 1982, Robert Jastrow ,  Il telaio incantato
  • 1982, U. Neisser ,  Memory observed. Remembering in natural contexts
  • 1982, Rudy Rucker ,  La mente e l'infinito. Scienza e filosofia dell'infinito
  • 1982, R.N. Shepard ,  Mental Images and Their Transformations
  • 1983, Jerry A. Fodor ,  La mente modulare. Saggio di psicologia delle facoltą
  • 1983, Hermann Haken ,  Advanced Synergetics. Instability Hierarchies of Self-Organizing Systems and Devices
  • 1983, Andrew P. Hodges Storia di un enigma
  • 1983, Philip N. Johnson-Laird ,  Modelli mentali. Verso una scienza cognitiva del linguaggio, dell'inferenza e della coscienza
  • 1983, John Roger Searle ,  Della intenzionalitą. Un saggio di filosofia della conoscenza
  • 1983, S.B. Smith ,  The Great Mental Calculators
  • 1983, Endel Tulving ,  Elements of Episodic Memory
  • 1983, Alan Mathison Turing Storia di un enigma [aut. Andrew P. Hodges]
  • 1984, Valentino Braitenberg ,  Veicoli pensanti. Saggio di psicologia sintetica
  • 1984, Paul M. Churchland ,  Matter and Consciousness
  • 1984, Daniel Clement Dennett ,  Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting
  • 1984, Owen J. Flanagan ,  The Science of the Mind
  • 1984, Donald R. Griffin ,  Cosa pensano gli animali
  • 1984, T. Kohonen ,  Self-Organization and Associative Memory
  • 1984, Humberto Maturana L'albero della conoscenza
  • 1984, Ruth Millikan ,  Language, Thought and Other Biological Categories
  • 1984, Derek Parfit ,  Ragioni e persone
  • 1984, Wolfgang Prinz ,  Cognition and Motor Processes
  • 1984, Zenon W. Pylyshyn ,  Computation and Cognition: Toward a Foundation for Cognitive Science
  • 1984, R.C. Schank ,  Il computer cognitivo
  • 1984, John Roger Searle ,  Mente, cervello, intelligenza
  • 1984, P.H. Winston ,  Artificial Intelligence
  • 1985, Isaac Asimov ,  Robots. Machines in Man's Image
  • 1985, Giorgio Raimondo Cardona ,  I sei lati del mondo. Linguaggio ed esperienza
  • 1985, D. Foulkes ,  Dreaming: A Cognitive-psychological Analysis
  • 1985, A. Gelperin ,  The Logic of Limax Learning
  • 1985, Hermann Haken ,  Complex Systems. Operational Approach
  • 1985, John Haugeland ,  Intelligenza artificiale: il significato di un'idea
  • 1985, Jerry R. Hobbs ,  Formal Theories of the Commonsense World
  • 1985, Douglas R. Hofstadter ,  Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern
  • 1985, Marvin L. Minsky ,  La robotica
  • 1985, D.A. Oakley ,  Brain and Mind
  • 1985, Howard Rheingold ,  Tools For Thought: The People and Ideas of the Next Computer Revolution
  • 1985, John Roger Searle Menti, cervelli e programmi
  • 1985, Richard F. Thompson ,  The Brain: An Introduction to Neuroscience
  • 1986, Patricia Smith Churchland ,  Neurophilosophy: Towards a Unified Science of the Mind-Brain
  • 1986, Max Delbrück La materia e la mente
  • 1986, James G. Else ,  Primate Ontogeny, Cognition and Social Behaviour
  • 1986, J. McClelland ,  Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition
  • 1986, Marvin L. Minsky ,  La societą della mente
  • 1986, E.S. Roberts ,  Thinking Recursively
  • 1986, David E. Rumelhart ,  Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition
  • 1986, David E. Rumelhart ,  PDP: Microstruttura dei processi cognitivi
  • 1986, Terry Winograd ,  Understanding Computers and Cognition. A New Foundation for Design
  • 1987, Lynne Rudder Baker ,  Saving Belief: A Critique to Physicalism
  • 1987, G. Edward Barton ,  Computational Complexity and Natural Language
  • 1987, C. Blakemore ,  Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity and Consciousness
  • 1987, E. Clarke ,  Nineteenth-Century Origins of Neuroscientific Concepts
  • 1987, Daniel Clement Dennett ,  L'atteggiamento intenzionale
  • 1987, Howard Gardner ,  Formae mentis. Saggio sulla pluralitą dell'intelligenza
  • 1987, Howard Gardner ,  La nuova scienza della mente
  • 1987, Richard L. Gregory ,  Enciclopedia Oxford della mente
  • 1987, Stuart R. Hameroff ,  Ultimate Computing: Biomolecular Consciousness and Nanotechnology
  • 1987, Ray Jackendoff ,  Coscienza e mente computazionale
  • 1987, Mark Johnson ,  The body in the mind
  • 1987, Aleksandr R. Lurija ,  Autobiografia. Il farsi della mente
  • 1987, R. Menzel ,  Neurobiology and Behavior of Honeybees
  • 1987, V. Pratt ,  Macchine pensanti
  • 1987, R. Richards ,  Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior
  • 1987, J. T. Schwartz ,  Limits of Artificial Intelligence
  • 1987, John Roger Searle ,  Minds and brains without programs
  • 1988, J.A. Anderson ,  Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research
  • 1988, Bernard J. Baars ,  A Cognitive Theory of Consciousness
  • 1988, David P. Barash ,  La lepre e la tartaruga
  • 1988, W. Bechtel ,  Filosofia della scienza e scienza cognitiva
  • 1988, R. Byrne ,  Machiavellian Intelligente
  • 1988, Derrick de Kerckhove ,  The Alphabet and the Brain. The Lateralization of Writing
  • 1988, D. Goleman ,  The Meditative Mind: The Varieties of Meditative Experience
  • 1988, Richard L. Gregory ,  Occhio e cervello. La psicologia del vedere
  • 1988, David H. Hubel ,  Occhio, cervello e visione
  • 1988, Hans P. Moravec ,  Mind Children. The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence
  • 1988, I. Rentschler ,  Beauty and the Brain. Biological Aspects of Aesthetics
  • 1988, John Roger Searle ,  Turing the Chinese Room
  • 1988, T. Shallice ,  Neuropsicologia e struttura della mente
  • 1989, Daniel J. Amit ,  Modeling Brain Function
  • 1989, Alain Berthoz ,  La construction du cerveau
  • 1989, Valentino Braitenberg ,  Il cervello e le idee
  • 1989, Jean-Pierre Changeux ,  Pensiero e materia
  • 1989, Paul M. Churchland ,  A Neurocomputational Perspective: The Nature of Mind and the Structure of Science
  • 1989, Andy Clark ,  Microcognition. Philosophy, Cognitive Science and Parallel Distributed Processing
  • 1989, Daniel Clement Dennett ,  Il mito dell'intenzionalitą originaria
  • 1989, Gerald Maurice Edelman ,  Il presente ricordato
  • 1989, Ronald A. Finke ,  Principles of Mental Imagery
  • 1989, H.P. Grice ,  Studies in the Way of Words
  • 1989, F. Huber ,  Cricket Behavior and Neurobiology
  • 1989, Philip R. Kennedy ,  U.S. Patent No. 4,852,573
  • 1989, Christopher G. Lagton ,  Artificial Life
  • 1989, Christopher G. Langton ,  Artificial Life
  • 1989, M. Lockwood ,  Mind, Brain and the Quantum
  • 1989, Manfredo Massironi ,  Comunicare per immagini. Introduzione alla geometria delle apparenze
  • 1989, Roger Penrose La mente nuova dell'imperatore
  • 1989, Ilya Prigogine ,  Tra il tempo e l'eternitą
  • 1989, Alain Prochiantz ,  La costruzione del cervello
  • 1989, Bernard E. Rollin Il lamento inascoltato
  • 1989, Sally P. Springer ,  Left Brain, Right Brain: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience
  • 1989, Isabelle Stengers ,  Tra il tempo e l'eternitą
  • 1989, Douwe Tiemersma ,  Body Schema and Body Image: An Interdisciplinary and Philosophical Study
  • 1989, R. Viale ,  Mente umana, mente artificiale