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storia antica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 2006-2007

  • 2006, B. Andreae ,  Kleopatra und die Caesaren, Hamburg 2006
  • 2006, G. Barker ,  The Agricultural Revolution of Prehistory: Why Did Foragers Become Farmers?
  • 2006, Martin Gardiner Bernal ,  Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Volume III: The Linguistic Evidence
  • 2006, Arnaud Blin Storia del terrorismo
  • 2006, G. W. Bowersock ,  Mosaics as History: The Near East from Late Antiquity to Islam
  • 2006, Paul Briant ,  From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire
  • 2006, Gérard Chaliand Storia del terrorismo
  • 2006, Neil Christie ,  From Constantine to Charlemagne, An Archaeological History of Italy AD 300-800
  • 2006, C. Dezzi Bardeschi ,  Mesopotamia. La culla della civiltà
  • 2006, Diodoro Siculo ,  Diodorus Siculus: Books 11-12.37.I
  • 2006, Garrett G. Fagan ,  Archaeological Fantasies. How Pseudoarchaeology Misrepresents the Past and Misleads the Public
  • 2006, Gary Forsythe ,  A Criticai History of Early Rome. From Prehistory to the First Punic War
  • 2006, Jennifer A. Glancey ,  Slavery in Early Christianity
  • 2006, Gabriele Gravina Il senso del movimento
  • 2006, Edward M. Harris ,  Democracy and the Rule of Law in Classical Athens: Essays on Law, Society, and Politics
  • 2006, Zahi Hawass Le tombe reali di Tebe
  • 2006, Marina Ioannatou ,  Affaires d'argent dans la correspondance de Cicéron. L'aristocratie sénatoriale face à ses dettes
  • 2006, B. Johnson ,  Il sogno di Roma. La lezione dell'antichità per capire l'Europa di oggi
  • 2006, S.T. Katz ,  The Cambridge History of Judaism, IV, The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period
  • 2006, Massimiliano Kornmüller ,  Etrusca disciplina
  • 2006, Julia Lovell La Cina contro il mondo
  • 2006, Victor H. Mair ,  Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World
  • 2006, C. Mossé ,  Pericle. L'inventore della democrazia
  • 2006, Nicholas Ostler ,  Empires of the Word. A Language History of the World
  • 2006, Duane W. Roller ,  Through the Pillars of Herakles. Greco-Roman exploration of the Atlantic
  • 2006, Geronimo Stilton Viaggio nel tempo 2
  • 2007, Franz Altheim ,  Deus Invictus. Le religioni e la fine del mondo antico
  • 2007, David W. Anthony ,  The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World
  • 2007, Johannes Bronkhorst ,  Greater Magadha: Studies in the Culture of Early India
  • 2007, Pierre Cambon Afghanistan. I tesori ritrovati
  • 2007, Marcel Detienne ,  Noi e i Greci
  • 2007, A. Galimberti ,  Adriano e l'ideologia del principato
  • 2007, Stephen Greenblatt ,  Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture
  • 2007, Philip L. Kohl ,  The Making of Bronze Age Eurasia
  • 2007, Mario La Ferla La biga rapita
  • 2007, C. Marconi ,  Temple Decoration and Cultural Identity in the Archaic Greek World: The Metopes of Selinus
  • 2007, Colin Renfrew ,  Preistoria. L'alba della mente umana
  • 2007, Giusto Traina ,  428 dopo Cristo. Storia di un anno
  • 2007, Paul-Marie Veyne ,  L'identità greca con e contro Roma: «collaborazione» e vocazione superiore