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fisica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1985-1989

  • 1985, Isaac Asimov ,  Il mostro subatomico
  • 1985, Niels Bohr ,  Niels Bohr: A Centenary Volume
  • 1985, Niels Bohr ,  The Philosophy of Niels Bohr. The Framework of Complementarity [aut. H. Folse]
  • 1985, V. de Alfaro ,  Teoria dei campi
  • 1985, A. D'Elia ,  Christiaan Huygens. Una biografia intellettuale
  • 1985, V. de Sabbata ,  Introduction to gravitation
  • 1985, Ivar Ekeland ,  Il calcolo e l'imprevisto. Il concetto di tempo da Keplero a Thom
  • 1985, Richard Phillips Feynman «Sta scherzando, Mr. Feynman!»
  • 1985, Richard Phillips Feynman QED
  • 1985, H. Folse ,  The Philosophy of Niels Bohr. The Framework of Complementarity
  • 1985, R.W. Fox ,  Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
  • 1985, A.P. French ,  Niels Bohr: A Centenary Volume
  • 1985, Pierre Gassendi ,  Causa e spiegazione. La fisica di Pierre Gassendi [aut. M. Messeri]
  • 1985, Jeremy B. Griffiths ,  The theory of classical dynamics
  • 1985, Hermann Haken ,  Complex Systems. Operational Approach
  • 1985, Nick Herbert ,  Quantum Reality: Beyond teh New Physics
  • 1985, Christian Huygens ,  Christiaan Huygens. Una biografia intellettuale [aut. A. D'Elia]
  • 1985, M. Messeri ,  Causa e spiegazione. La fisica di Pierre Gassendi
  • 1985, Richard Morris ,  Time's Arrows: Scientific Attitudes Toward Time
  • 1985, Steven Shapin ,  Il leviatano e la pompa ad aria: Hobbes, Boyle e la cultura dell'esperimento
  • 1985, H.L. Swinney ,  Observations of Complex Dynamics and Chaos
  • 1985, A. Van Helden ,  Measuring the Universe
  • 1986, S. Albeverio ,  Nonstandard Methods in Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics
  • 1986, A. Aspect ,  Experiments on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-type correlations with pairs of visible photons
  • 1986, S. N. Bose ,  La statistica quantistica e le onde di materia
  • 1986, Stephen G. Brush ,  Statistical physics and irreversible processes
  • 1986, Paul Charles William Davies ,  The ghost in the atom
  • 1986, Richard Dawkins ,  L'orologiaio cieco. Creazione o evoluzione?
  • 1986, Max Delbrück La materia e la mente
  • 1986, Pierre Duhem ,  Salvare i Fenomeni: Saggio Sulla Nozione di Teoria Fisica da Platone a Galileo
  • 1986, Albert Einstein ,  Einstein aveva ragione? Le prove sperimentali della relatività generale [aut. Clifford M. Will]
  • 1986, Albert Einstein ,  La statistica quantistica e le onde di materia
  • 1986, A. Fine ,  The Shaky Game. Einstein, Realism and the Quantum Theory
  • 1986, John L. Heilbron ,  I dilemmi di Max Planck. Portavoce della scienza tedesca
  • 1986, C. Lanczos ,  The Variational Principles of Mechanics
  • 1986, Abraham Pais ,  Inward Bound. Of Matter and Forces in the Physical World
  • 1986, Roger Penrose ,  Quantum Concepts in Space and Time
  • 1986, Roger Penrose ,  Spinors and Space-Time
  • 1986, A. Pickering ,  Constructing Quarks. A Sociological History of Particle Physics
  • 1986, Alastair Rae ,  Quantum Physics: Illusion or Reality
  • 1986, M. Rasetti ,  Modern Methods in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
  • 1986, Erwin Schrödinger ,  La statistica quantistica e le onde di materia
  • 1986, E. Squires ,  The Mystery of the Quantum World
  • 1986, G. Stephenson ,  Special Relativity for Physicists
  • 1986, Clifford M. Will ,  Einstein aveva ragione? Le prove sperimentali della relatività generale
  • 1986, A. Zee ,  Fearful Symmetry. The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics
  • 1987, Vladimir I. Arnol'd ,  Dynamical Systems; III, Mathematical Aspects of Classical and Celestial Mechanics
  • 1987, John Stewart Bell ,  Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics
  • 1987, Niels Bohr ,  Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Physics [aut. D. Murdoch]
  • 1987, Robert P. Crease ,  Alla ricerca dell'Uno
  • 1987, Albert Einstein ,  The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, vol. 1: The Early Years, 1879-1902
  • 1987, Lewis Carroll Epstein ,  Relativity Visualized
  • 1987, P. Gibbins ,  Particles and Paradoxes: The Limits of Quantum Logic
  • 1987, V.B. Glasko ,  Inverse Problems in Gravitometry and Magnetometry
  • 1987, M. Green ,  Superstring Theory [2 voll.]
  • 1987, Stephen William Hawking ,  300 Years of Gravity
  • 1987, Stephen William Hawking ,  Quantum cosmology
  • 1987, John L. Heilbron ,  I dilemmi di Max Planck - portavoce della scienza tedesca
  • 1987, Tony Hey ,  The Quantum Universe
  • 1987, R. H. Kargon ,  Kelvin's Baltimore Lectures and Modern Theoretical Physics
  • 1987, D. Murdoch ,  Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Physics
  • 1987, Roger Penrose ,  Newton, quantum theory and reality
  • 1987, Jefferson H. Weaver ,  The World of Physics
  • 1987, Steven Weinberg Alla ricerca delle leggi ultime della fisica
  • 1988, Vladimir I. Arnol'd ,  Metodi matematici della meccanica classica
  • 1988, Isaac Asimov ,  Grande come l'universo
  • 1988, John David Barrow Il mondo dentro il mondo
  • 1988, Enrico Bellone Opere scelte di Albert Einstein
  • 1988, Paul Charles William Davies ,  Superstrings: A Theory of Everything?
  • 1988, Freeman J. Dyson ,  Infinito in ogni direzione
  • 1988, Albert Einstein Opere scelte
  • 1988, Richard Phillips Feynman «Che t'importa di ciò che dice la gente?»
  • 1988, David Halliday ,  Fundamentals of Physics
  • 1988, Stephen William Hawking Dal Big Bang ai buchi neri
  • 1988, Robert M. Hazen ,  The Breakthrough: The Race for the Superconductor
  • 1988, John Honner ,  The Description of Nature. Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Quantum Physics
  • 1988, P.E. Nactigall ,  Animal Sonar: Processes and Performance
  • 1988, F. D. Peat ,  Superstrings and the Search for a Theory of Everything
  • 1988, R.J. Russell ,  Physics, Phylosophy, and Teology
  • 1988, Wolfgang Stiller ,  Ludwig Boltzmann: Altmeister der klassischen Physik, Wegbereiter der Quantenphysik und Evolutionstheorie
  • 1988, Avrum Stroll ,  Surfaces
  • 1989, Julian B. Barbour ,  Absolute or Relative Motion, vol.I: The Discovery of Dynamics
  • 1989, M.V. Berry ,  Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation
  • 1989, Umberto Bottazzini ,  I Principia di Newton e la Mécanique di Lagrange: osservazioni su meccanica e calcolo
  • 1989, David Cahan ,  An Institute far an Empire
  • 1989, William R. Cotton ,  Storm and Cloud Dynamics
  • 1989, James T. Cushing ,  Philosophical consequences of Quantum Theory
  • 1989, Paul Charles William Davies ,  La Nuova Fisica
  • 1989, Paul Charles William Davies ,  The Physics of Complex Organization
  • 1989, J. Earman ,  World Enough and Spacetime
  • 1989, Albert Einstein ,  Il tempo e lo spazio di zio Albert [aut. Russell Stannard]
  • 1989, Albert Einstein ,  The collected papers of Albert Einstein, vol. 2: The Swiss years: writings 1900-1909
  • 1989, Bas van Fraassen ,  Quantum Mechanics. An Empiricist Approach
  • 1989, R.I.G. Hughes ,  The Structure and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
  • 1989, Andrej Linde ,  Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology
  • 1989, S. Lloyd ,  Physical Measures of Complexity
  • 1989, Malcom S. Longair Astrofisica
  • 1989, N. D. Mermin ,  Space and Time in Special Relativity
  • 1989, Philip Mirowski ,  More Heat than Light: Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Nature's Economics
  • 1989, Walter J. Moore ,  Schrödinger: Life and Thought
  • 1989, Grégoire Nicolis ,  La complessità
  • 1989, F. D. Peat ,  Cold Fusion: The Making of a Scientific Controversy
  • 1989, Roger Penrose La mente nuova dell'imperatore
  • 1989, Franco Prattico Dl caos ... alla coscienza
  • 1989, P. Ramond ,  Field Theory: A Modern Primer
  • 1989, Roddy R. Rogers ,  A Short Course in Cloud Physics
  • 1989, Erwin Schrödinger ,  Erwin Schrödinger scienziato e filosofo [aut. Walter J. Moore]
  • 1989, John Stachel ,  Einstein and the history of general relativity
  • 1989, Russell Stannard ,  Il tempo e lo spazio di zio Albert
  • 1989, Wojciech H. Zurek ,  Algorithmic Information Content, Church-Turing Thesis, Physical Entropy, and Maxwell's Demon