Alan Mathison Turing: opere
- 1912 Nasce il 23 giugno, a Londra.
- 1936 On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungs Problem, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2] [rif.3] [rif.4] [rif.5] [rif.6]
- Sui numeri computabili, con una applicazione all'"Entscheidungsproblem"
- in: Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, ser.2, 42, pp.230-265
- 1939 Systems of logic based on ordinals
- in: P. Lond. Math. Soc., 45, pp. 161-228
- 1948 Rounding-off Errors in Matrix Processes, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992, [rif.] [rif.1]
- in: Collected Works of A.M. Turing, vol. II
- 1950 Calcolatori e intelligenza, Adelphi, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2] [rif.3] [rif.4] [rif.5]
- in: D. Hofstadter, D. Dennett, L'io della mente, Adelphi, 1992
- 1950 Computing Machinery and Intelligence, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2]
- in: Mind, 59, 1950, pp. 433-460
- 1950 Computing Machinery and Intelligence, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2] [rif.3]
- Macchine calcolatrici e intelligenza, Boringhieri, Torino, 1986
- in: V. Somenzi, R. Cordeschi (a cura di), La filosofia degli automi. Origini dell'intelligenza artificiale
- 1952 A Diffusion Reaction Theory of Morphogenesis, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992, [rif.]
- in: The Collected Works of Alan Turing: Morphogenesis
- 1952 The chemical basis of morphogenesis, [rif.]
- in: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
- 1954 Muore il 7 giugno, a Wimslow, Cheshire, suicida.
- 1959 Alan M. Turing [aut. Sara Turing], W. Heffer, Cambridge, [rif.]
- 1983 Alan Turing: The Enigma, [rif.] [rif.1]
- 1989 Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge 1939, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1989, [rif.]
- 1994 Intelligenza meccanica, Bollati Boringhieri, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2]
- 2004 Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker, Springer, Berlino, [rif.]
- a cura di: Christof Teuscher
- 2004 The Essential Turing: Seminal Writings in Computing, Logic, Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Life plus The Secrets of Enigma, Oxford University Press, Oxford, [rif.]
- a cura di: B. Jack Copeland
- 2005 Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine: The Master Codebreaker's Struggle to Build the Modem Computer, Oxford University Press, Oxford, [rif.]
- a cura di: B. Jack Copeland
- 2006 The Man Who Knew too Much. Alan Turing and the Invention of the Computer, [rif.]
- 2012 Alan Turing e la mela avvelenata [aut. Massimo Vincenzi]
- 2012 Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age [aut. B. Jack Copeland], Oxford University Press, Oxford, [rif.]
- 2017 The imitation game [aut. Jim Ottaviani, Leland Purvis]