Daniel Clement Dennett: opere
- 1942 Nasce il 28 marzo, a Boston.
- 1969 Content and Consciousness, Routledge, [rif.]
- Contenuto e coscienza, Il Mulino, 1992
- 1978 Brainstorms, Bradford Books, T., 1978, [rif.] [rif.1]
- 1981 The Mind's I
- 1981 Three kinds of intentional psychology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA
- in: R. Healey (a cura di), Reduction, Time and Reality
- 1984 Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
- 1986 The logical geography of computational approaches: A view from the East Pole, University of Arizona Press, Tucson
- in: R.M. Harnish, M. Brand (a cura di), The Representation of Knowledge and Belief
- 1987 The Intentional Stance, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2] [rif.3]
- L'atteggiamento intenzionale, il Mulino, 1993
- 1988 Evolution, error and intentionality, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque
- in: Y. Wilks, D. Partridge (a cura di), Sourcebook on the Foundations of Artzficial Intelligence
- 1988 Quainare i qualia, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino
- in: A. De Palma, G. Pareti (a cura di), Mente e corpo. Dai dilemmi della filosofia alle ipotesi della neuroscienza
- 1989 Il mito dell'intenzionalitą originaria, Feltrinelli, [rif.]
- in: R. VIALE (a cura di), Mente umana, mente artificiale
- 1991 Consciousness Explained, Little, Boston, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2] [rif.3] [rif.4] [rif.5] [rif.6] [rif.7]
- Coscienza. Che cosa č, Rizzoli, 1993
- 1995 How to make mistakes, William Morrow, New York
- in: J. Brockman, K. Matson (a cura di), How Things Are
- 1995 Darwin's dangerous idea. Evolution and the meanings of life, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1995, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2] [rif.3] [rif.4] [rif.5]
- 1996 La mente e le menti, Sansoni
- 1997 Kinds of Minds, Phoenix, London, [rif.] [rif.1]
- 1997 Kinds of Minds. Towards an Understanding of Consciousness, Basic Books, New York, [rif.]
- 1998 Brainchildren. Essays on Designing Minds, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
- 2000 Making tools for thinking, Oxford University Press, Oxford
- in: D. Sperber (a cura di), Metarepresentations: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
- 2000 Mining the past to construct the future: Memory and belief as forms of knowledge, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
- in: D. Schacter, E. Scarry (a cura di), Memory, Brain, and Belief
- 2000 With a little help from my friends, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
- in: D. Ross, A. Brook, D. Thompson (a cura di), Dennett's Philosophy: A Comprehensive Assessment
- 2001 Collision-detection, muselot, and scribble: Some reflections on creativity, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
- in: D. Cope, Virtual Music: Computer Synthesis of Musical Style
- 2001 Consciousness: How much is that in real money?, Oxford University Press, Oxford
- in: A. Gregory (a cura di), The Oxford Companion to the Mind
- 2001 In Darwin's wake, where am I?, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
- in: J. Hodge, G. Radick (a cura di), The Cambridge Companion to Darwin
- 2001 The evolution of evaluators, Routledge, London
- in: A. Nicita, U. Pagano (a cura di), The Evolution of Economic Diversity
- 2001 Things about things, Clarendon, Oxford
- in: J. Branquinho (a cura di), The Foundations of Cognitive Science
- 2002 Explaining the 'magic' of consciousness, Carlo Erba, Milano
- in: AA.VV., Exploring Consciousness: Humanities, Natural Science, Religion
- 2002 The Baldwin effect: a crane, not a skyhook, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
- in: B. Weber, D. Depew (a cura di), Evolution and Learning: The Baldwin Effect Reconsidered
- 2002 The new replicators, Oxford University Press, Oxford
- in: M. Pagel (a cura di), The Encyclopedia of Evolution, 1
- 2003 Freedom Evolves, Viking, New York, [rif.] [rif.1] [rif.2]
- 2005 Sweet Dreams. Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness, [rif.] [rif.1]
- 2006 Dove nascono le idee, Di Renzo
- 2006 From typo to thinko: When evolution graduated to semantic norms, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
- in: S. Levinson, P. Jaisson (a cura di), Evolution and Culture
- 2006 Rompere l'incantesimo. La religione come fenomeno naturale, Raffaello Cortina, [rif.]
- 2007 What RoboMary knows, Oxford University Press, Oxford
- in: T. Alter, S. Walter (a cura di), Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism
- 2008 Competition in the brain, HarperCollins, New York
- in: J. Brockman (a cura di), What Have You Changed Your Mind About
- 2009 Heterophenomenology, Oxford University Press, Oxford
- in: T. Bayne, A. Cleeremans, P. Wilken (a cura di), The Oxford Companion to Consciousness
- 2009 Intentional systems theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford
- in: B. McLaughlin, A. Beckermann, S. Walter (a cura di), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mind
- 2009 Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language, Columbia University Press, New York, [rif.]
- con: P.M.S. Hacker, M. Bennett, J. Searle
- 2011 Science and Religion: Are They Compatitile?, Oxford University Press, Oxford
- 2013 Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking, [rif.]
- 2014 The evolution of reasons, Routledge, New York
- in: B. Bashour, H.D. Muller (a cura di), Contemporary Philosophical Naturalism and Its Implications
- 2017 From Bacteria to Bach and Back. The Evolution of Minds, Bradford Books - Tbe MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., [rif.] [rif.1]
- 2018 Dai batteri a Bach. Come evolve la mente, Cortina, Milano, [rif.]